
LESO Forms and Documents


All Forms, Requests and Justification are required to be signed and submitted by your respective State Coordinator prior to submission to the LESO.

If you need accessibility-related assistance with these forms, contact LESO@DLA.MIL  

Application for Participation (State Agencies)

Application for Participation (Federal Agencies only)

Please forward your application to your respective State Coordinator.  The State Coordinator will confirm that the State Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) meets the definition and will abide by all terms of the DLA/State Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).  Once the State Coordinator has signed the application, they will forward the signed application to the LESO. 

If LESO approves the application for participation, they will notify the agency's State Coordinator who will notify the State LEA that they are eligible for the Program after the Chief Law Enforcement Official (CLEO) has signed and agreed to the State Plan of Operation (SPO).  The SPO will provide all the details, requirements and restrictions of the Program.  Once the SPO has been signed by the State and the CLEO for the LEA, the LESO will activate them as a member of the Program

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Aircraft Forms

Ammo Forms

Vehicle Forms

Small Arms Forms     

Property Accounting Forms