Army Col. Michelle Agpalza assumed the duties as commander of DLA CENTCOM & SOCCOM in July 2023. Agpalza, a native of Kailua, Hawaii, graduated from New Mexico Military Institute in 1996, receiving her commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Hawaii Army National Guard, where she served prior to transitioning to active-duty Army in 2001 as a Chemical Officer.
Agpalza’s assignments include Brigade Chemical Officer, 31st Air Defense Artillery, Support Operations Officer, 31st ADA Brigade; Commander 518th Maintenance Company (DS), 1-1 ADA Battalion; Company Commander, Monterey Bay Recruiting Company, Sacramento Recruiting Battalion; Operations Officer, Army Field Support Battalion-Qatar, 401st Army Field Support Battalion, Doha, Qatar; Brigade Logistics Support Team Chief, Army Field Support Battalion-Bragg; Observer Coach/Trainer, National Training Center, Fort Irwin, CA; SHARP Program Manager and Ready and Resilient Director, National Training Center, Fort Irwin, CA; Executive Officer to the Commanding General, Army Sustainment Command, Rock Island Arsenal, IL; Battalion Commander, Army Field Support Battalion-Africa, 405th Army Field Support Brigade; Livorno, Italy; and Business Integration Branch Chief, Agency Synchronization Operations Center, Defense Logistics Agency, Fort Belvoir, VA.
Agpalza’s civilian education includes an associate degree, a bachelor’s degree, and two master’s degrees, with the most recent in National Security Strategy and Resourcing from Eisenhower School, National Defense University. Her military education includes Chemical Officer Basic Course, Combined Logistics Officers Advance Course, Army Recruiting Company Commander Course, Support Operations Officer Course, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and Eisenhower School, National Defense University.
Agpalza’s awards and decorations include Bronze Star Medal; Defense Meritorious Service Medal; Army Meritorious Service Medal (one silver Oak Leaf Cluster); NATO Medal; the Army Commendation Medal (three bronze Oak Leaf Clusters); the Army Achievement Medal; various campaign and service ribbons.
Agpalza and her husband Jason have one son and daughter-in-law.