WEBVTT 00:06.190 --> 00:08.819 Good afternoon . Good afternoon , 00:08.829 --> 00:11.350 ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the 00:11.359 --> 00:14.239 56th annual Employee Recognition 00:14.250 --> 00:16.850 ceremony . My name is Erica Carter from 00:16.860 --> 00:19.340 DL A human resources and I am your 00:19.350 --> 00:21.461 mistress of ceremony this afternoon . 00:21.754 --> 00:23.810 At this time , I ask that you please 00:23.810 --> 00:25.854 silence or turn off all electronic 00:25.864 --> 00:28.264 devices and for those that are DL A 00:28.274 --> 00:30.465 employees , please remove your common 00:30.475 --> 00:33.275 access cards as formal and informal 00:33.284 --> 00:35.395 photos are being taken throughout the 00:35.395 --> 00:38.729 ceremony . Thank you . We extend a very 00:38.740 --> 00:40.990 special welcome to Vice Admiral 00:41.000 --> 00:44.349 Michelle C sic Supply Corp , United 00:44.360 --> 00:48.150 States Navy Director DL A command 00:48.159 --> 00:50.450 chief master Sergeant , Alvin Dyer , 00:50.639 --> 00:53.150 United States Air Force Command , 00:53.159 --> 00:56.990 senior enlisted leader , DL A , Mr Brad 00:57.000 --> 01:00.779 Bunn , Vice Director , DL A , Mr Eric 01:00.790 --> 01:03.270 Smith , DL , a headquarters chief of 01:03.279 --> 01:05.800 staff , our award winners , their 01:05.809 --> 01:08.279 family members and friends , DL A 01:08.290 --> 01:10.949 senior leaders , special guests and 01:10.959 --> 01:13.720 employees of DL A . Our program today 01:13.730 --> 01:16.190 will include presentation of colors 01:16.199 --> 01:17.866 from the military district of 01:17.866 --> 01:19.977 Washington Armed Forces , color guard 01:19.977 --> 01:22.690 singing of the national anthem by staff 01:22.699 --> 01:25.089 Sergeant Hannah Davis from the United 01:25.099 --> 01:28.319 States Marine Band invocation by first 01:28.339 --> 01:30.561 class sergeant and higher United States 01:30.561 --> 01:33.135 Army opening remarks by the DL A 01:33.144 --> 01:36.165 director formal recognition of DL A 01:36.175 --> 01:38.565 civilian and military employees and 01:38.574 --> 01:41.324 award recipients . Please rise and 01:41.334 --> 01:43.845 remain standing for the arrival of the 01:43.855 --> 01:47.025 official party rendering of honors to 01:47.035 --> 01:49.444 the DL A director presentation of 01:49.455 --> 01:52.324 colors , singing of the national anthem 01:52.334 --> 01:53.565 and the invocation 02:38.889 --> 02:42.740 present the colors by 02:43.470 --> 02:45.639 co OK . John 02:48.089 --> 02:49.500 Court on 02:53.369 --> 02:55.350 to for what 03:09.149 --> 03:10.149 but 03:14.259 --> 03:17.240 what cause 03:18.169 --> 03:19.759 but what ? 03:22.589 --> 03:25.229 Poor oh 03:27.610 --> 03:30.979 called three Z oh 03:42.600 --> 03:44.240 oh s 03:51.119 --> 03:52.800 and you 03:55.589 --> 03:56.589 what 04:00.509 --> 04:04.449 uh I ask leave 04:04.460 --> 04:08.179 me whose blood drives 04:08.449 --> 04:10.070 and brides to 04:15.320 --> 04:17.570 was or 04:21.558 --> 04:22.558 watched 04:25.390 --> 04:27.420 history mean ? 04:41.570 --> 04:44.380 What the it was ? 04:47.679 --> 04:48.980 Oh , I see . 04:52.089 --> 04:53.329 So . Oh 05:15.869 --> 05:18.929 color , right shoulder , 05:19.869 --> 05:20.869 arm 05:29.309 --> 05:31.929 troubles , troubles , turn more . 06:06.010 --> 06:08.177 I invite you to pray with me according 06:08.177 --> 06:12.019 to your faith . Let us pray dear God . 06:12.350 --> 06:14.461 As we gather here today in the spirit 06:14.461 --> 06:16.683 of gratitude and appreciation . We come 06:16.683 --> 06:18.906 before you with thankful hearts for the 06:18.906 --> 06:21.072 dedicated and talented individuals who 06:21.072 --> 06:22.794 make up our esteemed team . We 06:22.794 --> 06:24.961 acknowledge your presence among us and 06:24.961 --> 06:26.739 give thanks for the blessing of 06:26.739 --> 06:28.794 strength , wisdom and unity that you 06:28.794 --> 06:30.850 have bestowed upon us . We recognize 06:30.850 --> 06:32.850 and honor the unique talents , hard 06:32.850 --> 06:34.961 work and unwavering commitment of our 06:34.961 --> 06:37.128 team members . We are grateful for the 06:37.128 --> 06:39.183 passion , resilience , and spirit of 06:39.183 --> 06:41.294 service that they bring to their work 06:41.294 --> 06:43.294 each day . Their contributions have 06:43.294 --> 06:45.461 enriched our workplace and have played 06:45.461 --> 06:47.628 a vital role in the success and growth 06:47.628 --> 06:49.739 of our organization . We ask for your 06:49.739 --> 06:51.850 continued guidance and blessings upon 06:51.850 --> 06:54.017 each member of our team as they strive 06:54.017 --> 06:56.128 to excel in their roles . May they be 06:56.128 --> 06:58.350 filled with renewed inspiration , joy , 06:58.350 --> 07:00.350 and a sense of fulfillment in their 07:00.350 --> 07:02.128 work , grant them the wisdom to 07:02.128 --> 07:04.239 overcome challenges and the vision to 07:04.239 --> 07:06.350 innovate and create a positive impact 07:06.350 --> 07:08.769 within our organization and beyond in 07:08.779 --> 07:10.723 your name . I pray . Amen . Amen . 07:11.779 --> 07:12.835 Please be seated . 07:18.920 --> 07:20.859 We will now watch a brief video 07:20.869 --> 07:23.036 highlighting the excellence on display 07:23.036 --> 07:25.380 throughout the agency . In 2023 08:27.549 --> 08:29.799 our host for today's ceremony , Vice 08:29.839 --> 08:32.419 Admiral Michelle C . Skube directs the 08:32.429 --> 08:34.596 Department of Defense's Premier Combat 08:34.596 --> 08:36.520 Logistics Agency . The Defense 08:36.530 --> 08:38.530 Logistics Agency is responsible for 08:38.530 --> 08:40.559 providing a variety of logistics 08:40.710 --> 08:43.309 acquisition and technical services in 08:43.320 --> 08:45.565 peace and in war in support of the 08:45.575 --> 08:47.825 military services and other federal 08:47.835 --> 08:50.955 agencies . DL A's worldwide mission is 08:50.965 --> 08:54.554 performed by nearly 26,000 military and 08:54.565 --> 08:56.695 civilian logistics professionals . 08:56.705 --> 08:58.955 Please welcome Vice Admiral Michel 08:59.184 --> 09:01.635 Skube . Director DL A . 09:05.859 --> 09:08.849 Wow , great crowd . It's so good to see 09:08.859 --> 09:11.520 you all here today . Uh Wow , good 09:11.530 --> 09:14.979 afternoon , good afternoon . Uh So it's 09:14.989 --> 09:17.039 wonderful to be here for the 56th 09:17.070 --> 09:20.280 annual uh employee recognition ceremony . 09:20.289 --> 09:22.400 Uh Such a great event for us . And I 09:22.409 --> 09:25.219 have to admit , I'm glad that I had the 09:25.229 --> 09:27.285 unexpected opportunity to preside at 09:27.285 --> 09:29.440 yet another one of these uh as my 09:29.450 --> 09:31.617 tenure here extended just a little bit 09:31.617 --> 09:34.200 longer . So , so this is a treat for me 09:34.210 --> 09:37.630 to be here with all of you . Uh Great 09:37.640 --> 09:40.609 video . Huh ? I love it . So , so 09:40.619 --> 09:43.429 Newton Chada and the video team always 09:43.440 --> 09:46.429 do such great work and I think that 09:46.440 --> 09:48.496 they have outdone themselves uh with 09:48.496 --> 09:51.010 that video . Um We had great 09:51.020 --> 09:53.270 accomplishments last year as we have 09:53.280 --> 09:55.789 throughout our 60 plus years as an 09:55.799 --> 09:57.855 agency serving the warfighter around 09:57.855 --> 10:00.320 the globe . And uh and as we review 10:00.330 --> 10:02.552 those accomplishments for the combatant 10:02.552 --> 10:04.719 commands the services , we provide our 10:04.719 --> 10:07.299 interagency partners and all of the war 10:07.309 --> 10:11.280 fighters . We had another impactful 10:11.289 --> 10:14.020 year . That's such a simplistic 10:14.030 --> 10:17.840 statement , but we did so much around 10:17.849 --> 10:19.905 the globe and you should all be very 10:19.905 --> 10:21.905 proud of that . And I hope you also 10:21.905 --> 10:24.719 noticed that in the videos , uh all of 10:24.729 --> 10:27.609 those photos , there's about 3500 of 10:27.619 --> 10:30.450 them . Uh And there's several folks in 10:30.460 --> 10:32.630 several of those photos , but each of 10:32.640 --> 10:34.820 those um they're pictures of you , 10:35.169 --> 10:38.150 they're pictures of us and , and those 10:38.159 --> 10:39.937 pictures while many of them are 10:39.937 --> 10:42.429 individuals , some of them group shots , 10:42.770 --> 10:45.070 they really are a reflection of us as 10:45.080 --> 10:48.590 an amazing team serving a larger cause . 10:48.599 --> 10:51.099 So , so whether your focus and your 10:51.109 --> 10:53.380 role around this agency is one about 10:53.390 --> 10:56.099 keeping the engine humming of DL A as 10:56.109 --> 10:58.929 an enterprise , looking inward to 10:58.940 --> 11:00.969 support our team and our team's 11:00.979 --> 11:02.757 productivity or whether you are 11:02.757 --> 11:06.169 externally focused across our various 11:06.179 --> 11:08.760 customers around the globe or even our , 11:08.770 --> 11:10.826 our industry partners and our allies 11:10.826 --> 11:13.289 and partners . Uh We all are working 11:13.299 --> 11:15.690 together in service to our war fighters 11:15.700 --> 11:18.049 and our nation and we can't get any of 11:18.059 --> 11:20.281 that done without each and every one of 11:20.281 --> 11:22.590 you . And so you're what that video is 11:22.599 --> 11:24.488 all about . And so , so thank you 11:24.488 --> 11:26.869 Newton and team for doing an amazing 11:26.880 --> 11:30.099 job with that . So , I'm , I'm thrilled 11:30.109 --> 11:32.331 to have uh on the stage with me , our , 11:32.331 --> 11:34.429 our vice director , Mr Brad Bunn and 11:34.440 --> 11:36.380 our command chief , uh chief Mass 11:36.400 --> 11:38.869 Sergeant Dyer . Uh and I'm , I'm 11:38.880 --> 11:40.991 thrilled that we are able to have all 11:40.991 --> 11:43.340 of the MS E leadership teams , our J 11:43.349 --> 11:45.900 codes and our D codes and , and members 11:45.909 --> 11:48.419 across the , the goo and ses . So , so 11:48.429 --> 11:50.596 thanks for being here , senior leaders 11:50.596 --> 11:52.651 and to all of our awardees and their 11:52.651 --> 11:54.485 guests , hopefully , you brought 11:54.485 --> 11:56.207 friends and family with you to 11:56.207 --> 11:58.318 celebrate this amazing day and to all 11:58.318 --> 12:00.485 of our DL A teammates , whether you're 12:00.485 --> 12:02.707 watching here in the audience with us , 12:02.707 --> 12:04.762 uh almost standing room only , uh or 12:04.762 --> 12:06.873 whether you're watching virtually now 12:06.873 --> 12:09.096 or later . Uh Welcome . It is indeed my 12:09.096 --> 12:11.159 pleasure and my honor to recognize 12:11.169 --> 12:13.369 amazing teammates across our team of 12:13.380 --> 12:16.729 about 25,000 civilian and military 12:16.739 --> 12:19.690 across the globe . So I've got some 12:19.700 --> 12:22.020 folks to thank starting with MS Carter 12:22.030 --> 12:24.260 who volunteered yet again to our , to 12:24.270 --> 12:27.140 be our uh narrator today . So thank you 12:27.429 --> 12:30.080 uh to sergeant first class hire for uh 12:30.090 --> 12:32.257 pinch hitting for the chaplain today . 12:32.257 --> 12:34.479 I think you're giving him a run for his 12:34.479 --> 12:36.701 money , by the way . Thank you for your 12:36.701 --> 12:38.701 inspiring words to our proffer Mass 12:38.701 --> 12:40.812 Sergeant Polk . Thank you uh to staff 12:40.812 --> 12:42.868 Sergeant , Hannah Davis . You know , 12:42.868 --> 12:45.146 she probably has to go sing again . Oh , 12:45.146 --> 12:47.423 my gosh . What a voice . What a talent . 12:47.423 --> 12:49.590 And we're just so fortunate that she's 12:49.590 --> 12:51.646 willing to , to share it with us for 12:51.646 --> 12:53.979 this special occasion . And to the MD W , 12:53.979 --> 12:55.979 uh , you know , military district , 12:55.979 --> 12:58.201 Washington Armed Forces , color guard . 12:58.201 --> 13:00.257 They've probably also skedaddled but 13:00.257 --> 13:02.201 they do such an amazing job . It's 13:02.201 --> 13:04.423 always inspiring to , uh , to see their 13:04.423 --> 13:06.590 flawless performance and of course , j 13:06.590 --> 13:08.590 one time and again , year over year 13:08.590 --> 13:10.590 does just an amazing job in putting 13:10.590 --> 13:12.646 this ceremony together . So under MS 13:12.646 --> 13:14.757 Sharon Saunders , thank you to your , 13:14.757 --> 13:16.812 you and your team , folks like Julie 13:16.812 --> 13:20.429 Brewer and Bach Dang and Laura Belk and 13:20.440 --> 13:22.607 Patti Norton and Amanda Francis , many 13:22.607 --> 13:24.773 of which are probably all back there . 13:24.773 --> 13:26.829 I see some of you . So thank you for 13:26.829 --> 13:28.607 your hard work in putting today 13:28.607 --> 13:30.829 together and of course , to many others 13:30.829 --> 13:32.996 behind the scenes , Gwen Adams and the 13:32.996 --> 13:35.162 protocol team , the A V folks . I said 13:35.162 --> 13:37.218 hello to right before we started and 13:37.218 --> 13:39.329 everyone else who works feverishly to 13:39.329 --> 13:41.551 make sure that today goes off without a 13:41.551 --> 13:43.960 hitch so we can celebrate the moment of 13:43.969 --> 13:46.080 some great accomplishments across our 13:46.080 --> 13:48.302 team . So how about a round of applause 13:48.302 --> 13:50.636 for all the participants and organizers ? 13:56.859 --> 14:00.289 So when I got to DL A uh 3.5 years 14:00.299 --> 14:02.460 ago , I probably don't have to remind 14:02.469 --> 14:04.358 you that we were in the middle of 14:04.358 --> 14:07.390 actually kind of right at the start of , 14:07.400 --> 14:10.179 uh , the pandemic . Uh , and we were in 14:10.190 --> 14:13.599 a fight for our lives , so to speak as 14:13.609 --> 14:15.880 a nation and as a globe as a humanity . 14:16.219 --> 14:18.386 And , uh , and we had our work cut out 14:18.386 --> 14:20.386 for us and unfortunately , it meant 14:20.386 --> 14:22.552 that I just could not travel around to 14:22.552 --> 14:25.340 this agency to the dozens of countries 14:25.349 --> 14:27.380 where we are and , and almost every 14:27.390 --> 14:29.719 state in the nation where our team 14:29.729 --> 14:32.049 works hard every day . And so I had to 14:32.059 --> 14:35.049 postpone many of those face to face 14:35.059 --> 14:36.909 meetings , which which I really 14:36.919 --> 14:39.080 regretted . And uh and once things 14:39.090 --> 14:41.309 started opening up and , and travel 14:41.320 --> 14:44.890 became safer , uh not too onerous too 14:44.900 --> 14:47.011 many times to show your COVID vaccine 14:47.020 --> 14:49.239 cart to get through this airport or 14:49.250 --> 14:51.528 that or , or into this country or that . 14:51.528 --> 14:53.479 But , uh but I had the chance 14:53.489 --> 14:55.489 eventually to get around and see so 14:55.489 --> 14:57.679 many of our teammates doing their hard 14:57.690 --> 15:00.340 work uh around the globe and I saw 15:00.349 --> 15:02.539 firsthand just what a difference each 15:02.549 --> 15:05.739 of our teammate teammates makes every 15:05.750 --> 15:08.219 day . And not surprisingly , I was just 15:08.229 --> 15:11.820 a little impressed , right ? Um I mean , 15:11.830 --> 15:13.960 I knew it , I'd worked at DL A before 15:13.969 --> 15:16.650 but uh honestly , I am just in awe of 15:16.659 --> 15:20.219 DL A every day , every week . I 15:20.229 --> 15:23.679 am . I am uh learning about something 15:23.690 --> 15:25.801 new , a new line of effort that we're 15:25.801 --> 15:27.968 taking on . And the truth is we always 15:27.968 --> 15:31.059 continue to step up and deliver results 15:31.280 --> 15:34.299 because we can and we do it quite well 15:34.309 --> 15:36.531 and I wish I could have traveled more . 15:36.531 --> 15:38.753 So , I'm so sorry , I didn't get out to 15:38.753 --> 15:41.599 see every one of you . Um , but one 15:41.609 --> 15:43.776 thing that stood out everywhere that I 15:43.776 --> 15:45.720 went and it was no matter what job 15:45.720 --> 15:47.909 anybody was doing , everybody was just 15:47.919 --> 15:50.869 fiercely committed to our incredibly 15:50.880 --> 15:54.219 important mission . Simple as that 15:54.229 --> 15:56.849 folks knew as a team that what we do 15:56.859 --> 15:58.960 matters , it matters to the very 15:58.969 --> 16:02.760 freedoms that we hold dear . And so I 16:02.770 --> 16:04.937 hope you all remember that every day . 16:05.070 --> 16:07.119 And there are just so many shining 16:07.130 --> 16:09.352 examples of that commitment here in the 16:09.352 --> 16:11.519 audience today . And we're going to be 16:11.519 --> 16:14.659 recognizing those awardees uh who are 16:14.669 --> 16:17.140 nominated and selected um across 16:17.150 --> 16:20.210 several great nominees , various 16:20.219 --> 16:22.275 activities across the enterprise are 16:22.275 --> 16:24.163 represented in the talents of our 16:24.163 --> 16:25.940 awardees . Today . They've 16:25.950 --> 16:28.619 distinguished themselves in a number of 16:28.630 --> 16:31.070 roles running the gamut from being 16:31.080 --> 16:33.191 brilliant on the fundamentals of what 16:33.191 --> 16:35.419 we have to do every day to , to 16:35.429 --> 16:37.820 innovating the next cutting edge 16:37.830 --> 16:40.859 solution . So thank you for all that 16:40.869 --> 16:43.380 you do . The bottom line is our award 16:43.390 --> 16:45.659 recipients performed their jobs 16:45.669 --> 16:48.140 exceptionally well and they set 16:48.150 --> 16:50.590 inspiring examples for all of us to 16:50.599 --> 16:53.640 follow . And I want to thank all of the 16:53.650 --> 16:55.706 nominees , whether you were an award 16:55.706 --> 16:58.729 winner and selectee or not uh for you 16:58.739 --> 17:01.650 make a difference and your supervisors , 17:01.659 --> 17:03.979 I also wanna thank so several folks 17:03.989 --> 17:07.020 took the time to put in writing the 17:07.030 --> 17:08.863 hard work that they've witnessed 17:08.863 --> 17:10.919 through their team . And uh and that 17:10.919 --> 17:13.030 takes extra effort . Sometimes we get 17:13.030 --> 17:15.300 busy . Our inbox is full , but you took 17:15.310 --> 17:17.532 the time . So for the supervisors , I , 17:17.532 --> 17:19.890 I commend to you my gratitude and I 17:19.900 --> 17:22.339 encourage you to keep doing that year 17:22.349 --> 17:24.071 over year because it's just so 17:24.071 --> 17:25.869 important to recognize uh great 17:25.880 --> 17:27.936 accomplishments across our team . It 17:27.936 --> 17:29.936 inspires all of us , doesn't ? It ? 17:30.040 --> 17:32.979 It's wonderful . I'd also like to just 17:32.989 --> 17:34.989 thank all of the DL A team for your 17:34.989 --> 17:38.229 dedication to the war fighter . We all 17:38.239 --> 17:40.520 come from different walks of life and 17:40.530 --> 17:42.641 we all have different talents that we 17:42.641 --> 17:45.469 can lend to our mission . But we have 17:45.479 --> 17:48.060 in common that keen focus on making 17:48.069 --> 17:51.000 sure the war fighter has what they need , 17:51.060 --> 17:53.119 where they need it and the condition 17:53.130 --> 17:55.352 they need it and the quantity they need 17:55.352 --> 17:58.589 it at the time , they need it . And 17:58.599 --> 18:00.750 that's what this team does . And the 18:00.760 --> 18:02.649 warfighter witness that firsthand 18:02.650 --> 18:04.706 around the globe , how we bring that 18:04.706 --> 18:07.439 effective and efficient solution to 18:07.449 --> 18:10.140 their thorniest of logistics challenges 18:10.150 --> 18:12.479 all the time . And that's a testament 18:12.489 --> 18:14.939 to all of you no matter what your role 18:14.949 --> 18:18.760 is here in our agency . And while today 18:18.770 --> 18:21.280 is about uh recognizing excellence 18:21.290 --> 18:23.457 which we'll do here in just a minute . 18:23.457 --> 18:26.650 Uh I'm reminded of the axiom that good 18:26.660 --> 18:29.589 work . He gets more work , 18:30.699 --> 18:34.209 bring it on , right . Bring it on and 18:34.219 --> 18:36.552 we can't rest on our laurels . You know , 18:36.552 --> 18:38.770 we can't ever assume that we have our 18:38.780 --> 18:42.310 business wired . You can't say the 18:42.319 --> 18:45.199 status quo is perfection . Ever . Keep 18:45.209 --> 18:47.449 striving . Keep reaching towards that 18:47.459 --> 18:50.329 next solution . Keep being dedicated to 18:50.339 --> 18:53.479 being better every day . Challenge 18:53.489 --> 18:55.770 yourself , challenge our team , 18:55.780 --> 18:58.339 challenge each other to bring it to the 18:58.349 --> 19:00.839 next level in the year ahead . And I am 19:00.849 --> 19:03.310 certain that my successor soon to be 19:03.319 --> 19:05.359 successor , Lieutenant General Mark 19:05.369 --> 19:09.229 Simerly will very much expect it and 19:09.239 --> 19:13.150 appreciate it . So let's get on to 19:13.160 --> 19:15.390 recognizing some phenomenal teammates . 19:15.630 --> 19:17.686 Thank you all for being here today . 19:17.686 --> 19:19.686 Congratulations again to all of our 19:19.686 --> 19:22.109 awardees and uh we're fighter . Always . 19:22.119 --> 19:23.119 Thank you . 19:29.469 --> 19:31.939 Thank you , ma'am . If you Mr Bunn and 19:31.949 --> 19:34.116 command chief Master Sergeant , Dyer , 19:34.116 --> 19:35.949 could please take center stage . 19:38.739 --> 19:40.628 We are gathered this afternoon to 19:40.628 --> 19:42.520 recognize DL A team members who 19:42.530 --> 19:44.719 exemplify the standard for excellence 19:44.729 --> 19:47.439 set by this agency . These employees 19:47.449 --> 19:49.616 and military members have demonstrated 19:49.616 --> 19:51.727 leadership , hard work and a sense of 19:51.729 --> 19:54.479 commitment in support of DL A's mission 19:54.489 --> 19:56.800 and our notions , war fighters as 19:56.810 --> 19:58.532 dedicated professionals , they 19:58.532 --> 20:00.588 continuously strive to improve their 20:00.588 --> 20:04.050 performance and achieve the bar that is 20:04.060 --> 20:07.339 set so very high . We take t today to 20:07.349 --> 20:09.780 publicly thank them and to recognize 20:09.790 --> 20:12.479 each awardee for their outstanding 20:12.489 --> 20:14.510 accomplishments . We will also take 20:14.520 --> 20:16.687 time to recognize those who are unable 20:16.687 --> 20:19.099 to attend by displaying awards winners 20:19.109 --> 20:22.829 on the screen . The first category of 20:22.839 --> 20:25.540 awards is our 10 outstanding DL A 20:25.550 --> 20:28.829 personnel of the year awards . These 20:28.839 --> 20:31.739 awardees recognize deserving civilian 20:31.750 --> 20:33.528 and military personnel who have 20:33.528 --> 20:35.869 consistently exceeded the expectations 20:35.880 --> 20:37.910 of their positions . Individuals 20:37.920 --> 20:40.142 nominated for this award have also been 20:40.142 --> 20:42.198 acknowledged by their peers as model 20:42.198 --> 20:44.510 performers from a pool of superb 20:44.520 --> 20:46.920 individual nominations . We are pleased 20:46.930 --> 20:49.229 to honor Dl A's outstanding personnel 20:49.239 --> 20:51.770 of the year . The first recipient is 20:51.780 --> 20:53.890 Technical Sergeant DEMAR Russell , 20:53.900 --> 20:55.969 United States Air Force Defense 20:55.979 --> 20:58.010 Logistics Agency operations . 21:04.430 --> 21:06.839 Technical Sergeant Russell identified 21:06.849 --> 21:08.738 service requirements to advance a 21:08.738 --> 21:10.880 logistics common operational picture 21:10.890 --> 21:14.079 initiative by adding over 14,000 21:14.089 --> 21:16.000 national stock numbers into the 21:16.010 --> 21:18.979 emerging alys platform , advancing 21:18.989 --> 21:21.989 analytics and Avanna his deployments 21:22.000 --> 21:24.056 influence data visualization for the 21:24.056 --> 21:26.222 Pacific air forces exercise , mobility 21:26.222 --> 21:27.944 guarding , providing real time 21:27.944 --> 21:31.010 visibility across two supply classes . 21:31.020 --> 21:33.239 Technical sergeant Jamar Russell 21:38.079 --> 21:41.339 Corine skit DL A disposition 21:41.349 --> 21:42.300 services , 21:48.390 --> 21:51.030 Corine's initiative and drive inspired 21:51.040 --> 21:53.560 her team to improve the quality of 21:53.569 --> 21:55.489 their work which also allowed a 21:55.500 --> 21:57.439 successful transition of their 21:57.449 --> 21:59.616 inventory system from the distribution 21:59.616 --> 22:01.869 standard system to warehouse management 22:01.880 --> 22:04.339 system . Her outstanding work ethic and 22:04.349 --> 22:06.405 leadership traits are examples . Her 22:06.405 --> 22:08.790 employees follow that directly support 22:08.800 --> 22:10.260 DL A Corrine scare , 22:18.010 --> 22:20.599 Agnes Eugenio DL A Energy 22:26.560 --> 22:28.680 Agnes has distinguished herself as an 22:28.689 --> 22:31.010 outstanding customer account specialist 22:31.020 --> 22:33.579 for DL A Energy Indo Pacific . She 22:33.589 --> 22:35.780 provided unparalleled support , 22:35.790 --> 22:37.623 guidance and training to the war 22:37.623 --> 22:40.030 fighter and DL A energy's largest 22:40.040 --> 22:42.010 geographic region . Due to her 22:42.020 --> 22:44.699 expertise , dedication , commitment and 22:44.709 --> 22:47.300 flexibility , she embodies the hallmark 22:47.310 --> 22:49.477 of what it means to be a team player . 22:49.477 --> 22:50.449 Agnes Eugenia 22:54.800 --> 22:57.770 Tanner , Evans DL A aviation 23:02.910 --> 23:04.910 tanner's sustained performance as a 23:04.910 --> 23:07.077 customer support specialist is evident 23:07.077 --> 23:09.900 by supporting over 700 maintenance 23:09.910 --> 23:13.109 demands placed on against 500 or more 23:13.119 --> 23:15.500 DL A managed stock numbers . He is a 23:15.510 --> 23:17.621 key player who demonstrated technical 23:17.621 --> 23:19.930 data packages from enterprise business 23:19.939 --> 23:21.930 system , conducting manufacturing 23:21.939 --> 23:24.229 capability checks and requested cost 23:24.239 --> 23:26.619 analysis and bids . Tanner Evans 23:31.599 --> 23:34.760 Jose Flores , Junior DL A troop support . 23:39.359 --> 23:42.500 Jose is responsible for several of the 23:42.510 --> 23:44.930 highest profile mission sensitive 23:44.939 --> 23:47.260 medical material planning actions for 23:47.270 --> 23:49.260 America's war fighters during the 23:49.270 --> 23:51.381 pandemic . Jose was designated as the 23:51.381 --> 23:54.099 material planner for all COVID-19 23:54.109 --> 23:57.114 vaccines assigned to DL A troop support . 23:57.155 --> 23:59.377 He managed the requisition ordering and 23:59.377 --> 24:03.224 distribution for 6.33 million doses 24:03.234 --> 24:06.364 and 13,000 ancillary kits shipped Ocona 24:07.155 --> 24:09.574 to customers . Jose Flores , Junior , 24:14.310 --> 24:17.400 Natalie Lee Haines DL A distribution . 24:22.310 --> 24:24.760 Natalie demonstrated superb dedication 24:24.770 --> 24:27.109 to the mission and unwavering support , 24:27.119 --> 24:29.339 investment and mentoring to staff 24:29.349 --> 24:32.050 resulted in astounding success . Under 24:32.060 --> 24:34.380 her guidance . The F-35 team received 24:34.390 --> 24:38.349 over 16,000 line items valued at more 24:38.359 --> 24:42.339 than $108 million . Natalie Lee 24:42.349 --> 24:43.060 Haines , 24:48.130 --> 24:50.810 Gordon Kin DL A troop support . 24:55.729 --> 24:58.270 Gordon is deservedly recognized as the 24:58.280 --> 25:00.430 DL , a medical supply chain subject 25:00.439 --> 25:03.119 matter expert in indo paycom . He 25:03.130 --> 25:05.241 developed extremely effective working 25:05.241 --> 25:07.479 relationships with DL A planners and it 25:07.489 --> 25:10.229 is is an inspiration to his superiors 25:10.239 --> 25:12.140 and colleagues . He consistently 25:12.150 --> 25:14.400 provides effective training , concise 25:14.410 --> 25:16.299 overview of briefings and crucial 25:16.299 --> 25:18.243 medical supply chain , operational 25:18.243 --> 25:20.132 information to his counterparts , 25:20.132 --> 25:21.079 Gordon Kane 25:26.310 --> 25:29.170 Jennifer Davis DL A distribution . 25:34.599 --> 25:37.270 Jennifer has performed exceptionally as 25:37.280 --> 25:39.069 the deputy director of DL A 25:39.079 --> 25:41.459 distribution cherry point managing and 25:41.469 --> 25:43.469 providing general oversight to both 25:43.469 --> 25:45.247 wholesale and retail , physical 25:45.247 --> 25:47.109 distribution operations . She 25:47.119 --> 25:49.341 demonstrated exceptional organizational 25:49.341 --> 25:51.341 leadership and logistics management 25:51.341 --> 25:53.675 skills , providing guidance and support . 25:53.675 --> 25:54.729 Jennifer Davis , 25:59.010 --> 26:02.109 Tiffany Harris DL A land and maritime . 26:07.000 --> 26:09.319 Tiffany is a multifunctional manager 26:09.329 --> 26:11.979 and mentor whose true passion is 26:11.989 --> 26:14.100 personal and professional development 26:14.100 --> 26:16.599 for DL A employees and others . Her 26:16.609 --> 26:18.609 role as a branch chief , she showed 26:18.609 --> 26:20.442 great initiative by developing a 26:20.442 --> 26:22.739 written acquisition training proposal 26:22.750 --> 26:25.079 and provided several long term strategy 26:25.089 --> 26:27.939 options to help foster positive change . 26:27.949 --> 26:29.369 Tiffany Harris 26:34.979 --> 26:37.459 Commander David Odom , United States 26:37.469 --> 26:39.439 Navy , DL A Aviation 26:44.709 --> 26:47.300 Commander Odom's actions directly led 26:47.310 --> 26:49.400 to DL A aviation cherries Point's 26:49.410 --> 26:51.560 exceptional fill rate and material 26:51.569 --> 26:54.229 availability levels which far surpassed 26:54.239 --> 26:57.439 the 90% monthly goal . The results of 26:57.449 --> 26:59.671 the many initiatives Commander Odom has 26:59.671 --> 27:02.119 enacted have been monumental beginning 27:02.130 --> 27:04.186 with the creation of the requisition 27:04.186 --> 27:06.619 alert , robotic process automation , 27:06.709 --> 27:08.729 Commander David Odom , the United 27:08.739 --> 27:09.619 States Navy . 27:13.709 --> 27:15.920 This concludes the presentation of the 27:15.930 --> 27:18.550 DL A's 10 outstanding personnel of the 27:18.560 --> 27:20.969 year . We now turn to the DL A leader 27:20.979 --> 27:23.030 of the year awards . These awards 27:23.040 --> 27:25.469 recognize DL A leaders from every 27:25.479 --> 27:27.849 segment of the DL A workforce whose 27:27.859 --> 27:29.637 outstanding accomplishments and 27:29.637 --> 27:31.470 commitment to leadership merit , 27:31.470 --> 27:33.930 special recognition leader of the year 27:33.939 --> 27:37.869 awards are now being presented with 27:37.880 --> 27:41.430 four of our top leaders . The level one 27:41.439 --> 27:44.229 non-supervisory employees . DL A leader 27:44.239 --> 27:46.072 of the award recipient is Nicole 27:46.072 --> 27:48.410 mcdonald DL A land and maritime . 27:54.510 --> 27:56.454 Nicole served as the weapon system 27:56.454 --> 27:58.410 support manager responsible for 27:58.420 --> 28:01.170 managing DL A support to the joint 28:01.180 --> 28:03.709 light tactical vehicle encompassing the 28:03.719 --> 28:05.830 provisioning and fielding processes , 28:05.959 --> 28:08.859 cataloging and capturing demand history . 28:08.869 --> 28:10.989 She aggressively identified critical 28:11.000 --> 28:13.390 part needs and readiness drivers , 28:13.400 --> 28:14.729 Nicole mcdonald , 28:21.670 --> 28:24.699 the level two team leaders and project 28:24.709 --> 28:26.931 leaders . DL A leader of the year award 28:26.931 --> 28:29.910 recipient is Ronald Schwinn DL . A land 28:29.920 --> 28:30.920 and maritime . 28:35.790 --> 28:38.079 Ronald has demonstrated a unique 28:38.089 --> 28:40.900 ability to lead two large unidentified 28:40.910 --> 28:42.930 projects and develop and document 28:42.939 --> 28:46.010 processes to ensure increased output , 28:46.020 --> 28:48.079 improve quality assurance and 28:48.089 --> 28:50.800 compliance and civic significant 28:50.810 --> 28:53.479 success for his organization , Ronald 28:53.949 --> 28:54.949 Sin . 29:00.010 --> 29:01.869 The level three new civilian 29:01.880 --> 29:03.989 supervisors DL A leader of the year 29:04.000 --> 29:06.880 recipient is Margaret Smith , DL A land 29:06.890 --> 29:07.890 and maritime . 29:13.449 --> 29:16.160 Margaret consistently anticipates areas 29:16.170 --> 29:18.790 of improvement for her associates and 29:18.800 --> 29:20.949 works to develop both associates and 29:20.959 --> 29:23.479 peers . She fosters an environment that 29:23.489 --> 29:26.050 embraces diversity and individual 29:26.060 --> 29:28.310 differences , capitalizing on different 29:28.319 --> 29:30.810 strengths and manage production . 29:30.839 --> 29:32.189 Margaret Smith , 29:37.520 --> 29:39.920 the level four experienced leaders and 29:39.930 --> 29:42.152 managers . Leader of the year recipient 29:42.152 --> 29:44.619 is John Curato Junior DL A troop 29:44.630 --> 29:45.300 support . 29:50.130 --> 29:52.239 John skillfully led and orchestrated 29:52.250 --> 29:54.089 from initiation to delivery the 29:54.099 --> 29:56.489 achievement for 40 tailored vendor 29:56.500 --> 29:58.969 logistics support contracts valued at 29:58.979 --> 30:02.199 over $100 million . He demonstrated 30:02.209 --> 30:04.320 exceptional degrees of initiative and 30:04.320 --> 30:06.739 innovation relentlessly creating 30:06.750 --> 30:08.959 driving deliberate solutions without 30:08.969 --> 30:11.359 trade off to ensure daily mission 30:11.369 --> 30:13.760 success . John Curato Junior , 30:19.859 --> 30:22.026 this concludes the presentation of the 30:22.026 --> 30:24.119 DL A leader of the year awards . Our 30:24.130 --> 30:25.959 next award category is the DL A 30:25.969 --> 30:28.079 employee of the quarter annual award 30:28.089 --> 30:30.119 recognition . This award was 30:30.130 --> 30:32.079 established to provide agency wide 30:32.089 --> 30:33.989 recognitions to three civilian 30:34.000 --> 30:36.069 employees from quarterly DL A 30:36.079 --> 30:38.729 competition whose exemplary performance , 30:38.739 --> 30:41.359 humanitarian service and teamwork 30:41.369 --> 30:43.313 merited further recognition at the 30:43.313 --> 30:45.750 agency level . The DL A employee of the 30:45.760 --> 30:48.250 quarter annual recipient for category A 30:48.300 --> 30:51.060 is Kathy Simmons DL A distribution . 30:52.410 --> 30:53.410 Thank you , 30:56.400 --> 30:58.719 Kathy is a subject matter expert and is 30:58.729 --> 31:00.951 solely responsible for trans shipping , 31:00.951 --> 31:03.260 all critical medical materials for five 31:03.270 --> 31:05.780 different overseas hospitals . She has 31:05.790 --> 31:08.430 provided the customer of over 10,000 31:08.439 --> 31:10.930 pieces of medical equipment . Kathy 31:10.939 --> 31:13.109 exemplifies exceptional performance . 31:13.119 --> 31:15.750 Dedication to the mission and unmatched 31:15.760 --> 31:17.890 commitment . Kathy Simmons , 31:23.520 --> 31:25.631 the DL A employee of the corridor and 31:25.631 --> 31:27.880 your recipient for category B is Jason 31:28.260 --> 31:30.400 Hostetler DL A land and maritime . 31:35.479 --> 31:39.339 Jason maintains 494 standardized 31:39.349 --> 31:42.430 documents detailing over 28,000 31:42.439 --> 31:45.670 semiconductor devices with 5000 31:45.680 --> 31:48.069 associated national stock numbers that 31:48.079 --> 31:52.069 support over 849 weapon systems . 31:52.140 --> 31:54.349 He provided excellent engineering and 31:54.359 --> 31:56.303 technical support for the military 31:56.303 --> 31:58.026 services , engineering support 31:58.026 --> 32:00.020 activities . Jason Hostetler , 32:05.189 --> 32:07.411 the DL A employee of the quarter annual 32:07.411 --> 32:09.530 recipient for category C is Corey 32:09.540 --> 32:12.810 Perkins DL A information operations . 32:13.530 --> 32:14.530 Thank you guys 32:19.479 --> 32:22.060 as acting portfolio manager , Corey 32:22.069 --> 32:26.060 managed all DL AJ 62 P day to day 32:26.069 --> 32:28.900 operations , extended critical software 32:28.910 --> 32:31.339 licenses and three contract periods of 32:31.349 --> 32:34.729 performance valued at $7.6 32:34.739 --> 32:36.819 million while guiding programming 32:36.829 --> 32:40.579 managers to 99% system uptime rates 32:40.589 --> 32:43.920 supporting 8000 users . Corey Perkins . 32:49.489 --> 32:51.656 This concludes the presentation of the 32:51.656 --> 32:53.656 DL A annual employee of the quarter 32:53.656 --> 32:55.979 awards . We will now honor military 32:55.989 --> 32:57.520 workforce for their superb 32:57.530 --> 32:59.890 contributions they make to the agency . 33:00.099 --> 33:02.099 The DL A service member of the year 33:02.099 --> 33:03.932 awards recognize the field grade 33:03.932 --> 33:05.821 officer company , great officer , 33:05.829 --> 33:08.040 senior non commissioned officer and 33:08.050 --> 33:10.161 junior non commissioned officer whose 33:10.161 --> 33:12.161 performance distinguished them from 33:12.161 --> 33:14.383 their peers through their contributions 33:14.383 --> 33:16.494 to the DL A mission . The field great 33:16.494 --> 33:18.383 officer of the year is Lieutenant 33:18.383 --> 33:20.439 Commander Gary Mauer , United States 33:20.439 --> 33:22.260 Navy DL A distribution . 33:27.790 --> 33:29.623 Lieutenant Commander Mauer is an 33:29.623 --> 33:31.910 exemplary leader who served as the 33:31.920 --> 33:33.939 executive officer at the DL A 33:33.949 --> 33:35.599 Distribution Susquehanna in 33:35.609 --> 33:37.459 Pennsylvania . He enhanced the 33:37.469 --> 33:39.358 distribution of critical parts to 33:39.358 --> 33:41.609 warfighter customers and improved the 33:41.619 --> 33:44.390 accountability and auditability of more 33:44.400 --> 33:47.209 than $20 billion in inventory . 33:47.219 --> 33:49.459 Lieutenant Commander Gary Mauer , 33:49.469 --> 33:50.750 United States Navy , 33:56.660 --> 33:58.771 the company great officer of the year 33:58.771 --> 34:01.489 is Captain Kander Townsend , United 34:01.500 --> 34:04.069 States Air Force DL A aviation 34:10.439 --> 34:13.100 Captain Townsend redefined the US Air 34:13.110 --> 34:15.149 Force career broadening program and 34:15.159 --> 34:17.939 worked in various dictates to support 34:17.949 --> 34:19.989 DL A mission . She launched 34:20.000 --> 34:23.340 $600,000 in organic manufacturing . 34:23.350 --> 34:25.449 Pilot orchestrated defense contract 34:25.459 --> 34:28.179 management agency outreach and managed 34:28.189 --> 34:31.899 a $1.6 million portfolio and led 34 34:31.909 --> 34:34.199 members in the acquisition team . 34:34.209 --> 34:36.810 Captain Townsend United States Air 34:36.820 --> 34:37.350 Force , 34:41.899 --> 34:44.066 the senior non commissioned officer of 34:44.066 --> 34:46.439 the year is Master Sergeant Alvin Ortiz 34:46.449 --> 34:48.979 o'neill , United States Army DL A 34:48.989 --> 34:49.689 energy 34:55.679 --> 34:57.939 master Sergeant o'neills ensured 34:57.949 --> 35:00.610 continuous fuel sustainment for us . 35:00.620 --> 35:02.898 Central command area of responsibility . 35:02.898 --> 35:04.909 He coordinate the direct bulk fuel 35:04.919 --> 35:07.659 delivery for 33 sites across nine 35:07.669 --> 35:10.030 countries and inspected and validated 35:10.040 --> 35:12.479 fuel quality requirements for five 35:12.489 --> 35:14.949 sites across four countries . Master 35:14.959 --> 35:17.260 Sergeant o'neal , United States Army , 35:22.229 --> 35:24.396 the junior non commissioned officer of 35:24.396 --> 35:26.451 the year is Technical Sergeant Kayla 35:26.959 --> 35:29.350 Kowski . United States Air Force DL A 35:29.360 --> 35:30.959 logistics operations 35:36.600 --> 35:39.520 techno technical sergeant . Psy was a 35:39.530 --> 35:41.719 key member of the agency synchronized 35:41.729 --> 35:45.219 operation system team accomplishing 600 35:45.229 --> 35:47.459 mission essential tasks across six 35:47.469 --> 35:49.479 major subordinate commands . She 35:49.489 --> 35:51.449 revamped the evaluation and award 35:51.459 --> 35:54.110 program updated the military manpower 35:54.120 --> 35:55.898 and developed a rating scheme . 35:55.898 --> 35:58.129 Technical Sergeant Kowski , United 35:58.139 --> 35:59.229 States Air Force , 36:03.840 --> 36:06.080 the DL A joint Reserve force field 36:06.090 --> 36:08.312 grade officer of the year is Lieutenant 36:08.312 --> 36:11.030 Commander Curtis Bender . United States 36:11.040 --> 36:13.090 Navy DL A energy . 36:19.419 --> 36:21.252 Lieutenant commander Bender is a 36:21.252 --> 36:23.469 remarkable leader who excelled in his 36:23.479 --> 36:26.129 duties as an operational officer and 36:26.139 --> 36:28.250 fuel distribution manager in the East 36:28.250 --> 36:30.889 Pacific region . He has delivered 36:30.899 --> 36:33.010 outstanding results in supporting the 36:33.010 --> 36:35.209 DL A energy and the endo paycom 36:35.219 --> 36:37.108 missions while taking care of his 36:37.108 --> 36:39.719 personal and development . Lieutenant 36:39.729 --> 36:41.969 Commander Curtis Bender , United States 36:41.979 --> 36:42.409 Navy , 36:47.510 --> 36:49.677 the DL A joint Reserve force company . 36:49.677 --> 36:51.732 Great officer of the year is Captain 36:51.732 --> 36:53.909 John Delano United States Army DL A 36:53.919 --> 36:54.969 aviation 37:01.790 --> 37:03.939 captain Delano is brilliant and an 37:03.949 --> 37:05.939 inspiring leader who excelled in a 37:05.949 --> 37:08.139 challenging joint environment . He 37:08.149 --> 37:10.371 empowered his team and led them through 37:10.371 --> 37:12.593 numerous high visibility projects which 37:12.593 --> 37:14.659 streamline regulatory compliance 37:14.669 --> 37:17.060 tracking , eliminated duplicate 37:17.070 --> 37:20.399 processes , close project time gaps and 37:20.409 --> 37:22.699 increase process efficiency which saved 37:22.709 --> 37:26.199 over 500 hours . Captain Delano United 37:26.209 --> 37:27.360 States Army , 37:31.840 --> 37:33.719 the joint Reserve for senior non 37:33.800 --> 37:35.800 commissioned officer of the year is 37:35.800 --> 37:37.856 Yeoman , Chief Petty Officer Deborah 37:37.856 --> 37:39.939 Warden , United States Navy DL A 37:39.949 --> 37:41.629 Disposition Services . 37:47.510 --> 37:49.288 Chief petty Officer Warden is a 37:49.288 --> 37:51.620 remarkable leader who led and mentored 37:51.629 --> 37:53.770 a joint operations unit to support 37:53.780 --> 37:56.020 Disposition services and DL A 37:56.030 --> 37:58.489 mobilization billets . She also served 37:58.500 --> 38:00.989 as the command career counselor , the 38:01.000 --> 38:02.722 facilitator for various leader 38:02.722 --> 38:04.722 development courses and the command 38:04.722 --> 38:07.060 fitness leader . Yeoman , Chief Petty 38:07.070 --> 38:09.260 Officer Deborah Warden , United States 38:09.270 --> 38:09.739 Navy , 38:14.550 --> 38:16.719 the DL A joint reserve force , junior 38:16.729 --> 38:18.951 non commissioned officer of the year is 38:18.951 --> 38:20.896 logistics specialist , first class 38:20.896 --> 38:23.780 Constantine Rubio , United States Navy , 38:23.790 --> 38:26.020 DL A disposition services , 38:30.979 --> 38:32.923 logistics specialist , first class 38:32.923 --> 38:34.868 Rubio is an outstanding leader who 38:34.868 --> 38:36.812 serves as the training officer and 38:36.812 --> 38:40.030 trusted advisor to the command officer . 38:40.100 --> 38:41.878 He planned and executed various 38:41.878 --> 38:44.239 training events and joint personnel 38:44.250 --> 38:46.850 resulting in over 3200 hours of 38:46.860 --> 38:49.300 training and disposition services and 38:49.310 --> 38:51.790 joint logistics logistics specialist , 38:51.800 --> 38:54.270 first class Constantine Rubio United 38:54.280 --> 38:55.060 States Navy . 38:59.610 --> 39:01.830 This concludes the presentation of the 39:01.840 --> 39:04.159 DL A service member of the year awards . 39:04.409 --> 39:06.629 Our next award category is the DL A 39:06.639 --> 39:08.979 team performance awards . This award 39:08.989 --> 39:11.350 recognizes teams within DL A that had 39:11.360 --> 39:13.550 an improved organizational performance 39:13.560 --> 39:15.850 by using structured improvement methods 39:15.860 --> 39:17.804 or have advanced the principles of 39:17.804 --> 39:19.971 teamwork . Nominations were divided by 39:19.971 --> 39:22.800 small , medium and large teams with one 39:22.810 --> 39:25.570 award recipient in each category . In 39:25.580 --> 39:27.760 the category of small team consisting 39:27.770 --> 39:30.520 of 25 members or less . The award goes 39:30.530 --> 39:33.959 to DL A aviation blue dog . Pen rivet 39:33.969 --> 39:36.760 ad hoc deployment team , accepting the 39:36.770 --> 39:38.937 award on behalf of the team is Captain 39:38.937 --> 39:40.939 Amanda Hopkins , United States Air 39:40.949 --> 39:41.560 Force , 39:47.780 --> 39:50.419 the Blue dog P rivet ad hoc deployment 39:50.429 --> 39:52.560 team containing members from DL A 39:52.570 --> 39:54.860 aviation and distribution worked 39:54.870 --> 39:57.790 alongside army Material Command and Air 39:57.800 --> 39:59.979 Force Material Command to ensure the 39:59.989 --> 40:01.959 seamless receipt induction and 40:01.969 --> 40:03.870 overnight delivery of prioritized 40:03.879 --> 40:06.399 replacement pens to aircrafts worldwide . 40:06.409 --> 40:08.465 Let's give another round of applause 40:08.465 --> 40:10.020 for the small team category 40:16.090 --> 40:18.209 in the category of the medium team 40:18.540 --> 40:21.409 consisting of 26 to 50 members . The 40:21.419 --> 40:24.050 award goes to DL A land and maritime , 40:24.060 --> 40:27.169 excuse me , DL A land and maritime DL A 40:27.179 --> 40:29.830 and Anniston Army depot track vehicle 40:29.840 --> 40:32.020 support team . Accepting the award on 40:32.030 --> 40:34.489 behalf of the team is Elena Kirchner . 40:40.350 --> 40:42.770 This team provided exceptional support 40:42.780 --> 40:45.149 for the reset of M one family of 40:45.159 --> 40:48.219 vehicles for our allies and the US army . 40:48.260 --> 40:50.580 The team rapidly identified components 40:50.590 --> 40:52.889 needed to support this critical reset 40:52.899 --> 40:55.040 and spearheaded the task of procuring 40:55.050 --> 40:56.959 and delivering parts to meeting 40:56.969 --> 40:59.320 emerging ucom and Ukraine support 40:59.330 --> 41:01.108 requirements . Another round of 41:01.110 --> 41:02.949 applause for the medium team 41:08.169 --> 41:10.360 in the category of the large team 41:10.370 --> 41:14.229 consisting of 51 to 125 members . 41:14.239 --> 41:16.479 The award goes to DL A distribution 41:16.489 --> 41:19.320 dlas Veteran administration , personal 41:19.330 --> 41:21.489 protective equipment mission support 41:21.500 --> 41:23.639 team accepting the award on behalf of 41:23.649 --> 41:25.149 the team is Shala Pulgar . 41:32.419 --> 41:35.159 This team provided exemplary service . 41:35.169 --> 41:37.280 Their hard work resulted in increased 41:37.280 --> 41:39.391 readiness for veterans administration 41:39.391 --> 41:41.459 and fosters a strong interagency 41:41.469 --> 41:43.969 partnership . Their tireless efforts 41:43.979 --> 41:45.979 provided urgently needed protective 41:45.979 --> 41:48.610 equipment to hospitals and clinics 41:48.620 --> 41:50.969 enabling high priority mission success 41:50.979 --> 41:53.129 during a global pandemic . Let's give 41:53.139 --> 41:55.361 another round of applause for the large 41:55.361 --> 41:56.361 team category . 42:00.669 --> 42:02.836 This concludes the presentation of the 42:02.836 --> 42:05.002 DL A team performance awards . We will 42:05.002 --> 42:07.113 now present the DL A equal employment 42:07.113 --> 42:09.209 opportunity awards . These awards 42:09.219 --> 42:11.659 recognize the activity and individuals 42:11.669 --> 42:13.780 who through their personal commitment 42:13.780 --> 42:15.725 and dedication meet and exceed the 42:15.725 --> 42:17.669 challenges of making our workplace 42:17.669 --> 42:20.260 where people can work , learn and grow 42:21.350 --> 42:23.320 the award for achievement in equal 42:23.330 --> 42:25.274 employment opportunity by it as an 42:25.274 --> 42:28.399 employee goes to Teresa Brunetti , DL , 42:28.409 --> 42:29.729 a land and maritime 42:53.780 --> 42:55.129 Teresa Brunetti . 42:59.870 --> 43:01.870 The award for achievement and equal 43:01.870 --> 43:04.037 employment opportunity by a supervisor 43:04.037 --> 43:06.679 or manager goes to Anthony Zook DL A 43:06.689 --> 43:07.750 distribution . 43:28.520 --> 43:29.739 Anthony Zuck . 43:34.959 --> 43:36.959 The award for achievement and equal 43:36.959 --> 43:38.570 employment opportunity by an 43:38.570 --> 43:40.737 organization major subordinate command 43:40.737 --> 43:42.737 category goes to DL A troop support 43:42.737 --> 43:44.959 accepting on behalf of the organization 43:44.969 --> 43:46.189 is Crystal Roach . 44:09.669 --> 44:11.649 Another round of applause for DL A 44:11.659 --> 44:12.669 troop support . 44:16.679 --> 44:18.735 The DL A outstanding employee with a 44:18.735 --> 44:21.510 disability and the GS wage grade three 44:21.520 --> 44:24.500 through 10 category is Vivian Delillo 44:24.570 --> 44:27.239 DL , a installation management at for 44:27.409 --> 44:28.409 Bell 45:07.050 --> 45:08.106 Vivianne Delillo , 45:28.510 --> 45:30.288 the outstanding employee with a 45:30.288 --> 45:32.949 disability in the GS wage grade 11 45:32.959 --> 45:36.010 through 15 category is Gregory Ramsey 45:36.020 --> 45:38.010 DL A installation management at 45:38.020 --> 45:38.879 Columbus , 46:07.449 --> 46:09.000 Gregory Ramsay . 46:14.909 --> 46:17.076 This concludes the presentation of the 46:17.076 --> 46:19.187 Equal Employment Opportunity Awards . 46:19.187 --> 46:21.379 Our next award categories are the DL A 46:21.389 --> 46:23.750 installation support excellence Awards . 46:23.879 --> 46:26.199 These awards represent the installation 46:26.209 --> 46:28.560 support team's commitment , exemplary 46:28.570 --> 46:30.750 customer engagement and support and 46:30.760 --> 46:32.427 their continued commitment to 46:32.427 --> 46:34.427 conducting business in the best way 46:34.427 --> 46:36.530 possible . The family and morale , 46:36.540 --> 46:39.330 welfare and recreation facility program 46:39.340 --> 46:41.639 excellence award goes to the Eagle Eye 46:41.649 --> 46:44.070 Golf Club DL A installation management 46:44.080 --> 46:46.379 at Columbus . Accepting the award is 46:46.389 --> 46:47.800 Jeffrey Bills . 47:12.860 --> 47:14.916 Let's give another round of applause 47:14.916 --> 47:16.582 for the Eagle Eye Golf Club , 47:20.300 --> 47:22.250 the family and morale welfare and 47:22.260 --> 47:24.260 recreation program management award 47:24.260 --> 47:27.050 goes to Cynthia Peretti DL A insulation 47:27.060 --> 47:28.969 management at San Joaquin , 47:53.100 --> 47:54.100 Cynthia Peretti . 47:59.500 --> 48:01.556 The winners of the family and morale 48:01.556 --> 48:03.989 and welfare and recreation awards . Our 48:04.000 --> 48:06.510 next awards are the outstanding police 48:06.520 --> 48:09.090 officers and unit officer of the year . 48:09.100 --> 48:10.933 These awards recognize winners , 48:10.933 --> 48:13.370 teamwork , honesty , respect , 48:13.379 --> 48:16.209 integrity , loyalty , and dedication to 48:16.219 --> 48:18.350 duty . The award for the DL A police 48:18.360 --> 48:20.304 officer of the year goes to tenant 48:20.304 --> 48:22.689 Michael galleon DL A installation 48:22.699 --> 48:24.088 management at Richmond , 48:47.469 --> 48:49.449 Lieutenant Michael Galley Arms . 48:55.100 --> 48:57.322 The award for DL , a supervisory police 48:57.330 --> 48:59.274 officer of the year goes to Deputy 48:59.274 --> 49:01.610 chief Greg Bock DL A installation 49:01.620 --> 49:03.050 management at Richmond , 49:24.610 --> 49:26.659 Deputy chief Greg Buck . 49:32.350 --> 49:34.659 The DL A outstanding police activity of 49:34.669 --> 49:36.790 the year belongs to DL A installation 49:36.800 --> 49:39.100 management at Columbus . Accepting the 49:39.110 --> 49:41.221 award on behalf of the team is Deputy 49:41.221 --> 49:43.179 Chief Jeremy Coulson . 50:00.659 --> 50:02.715 Let's give another round of applause 50:02.715 --> 50:05.048 for installation management at Columbus . 50:08.409 --> 50:10.520 The winners of the DL A outstanding 50:10.530 --> 50:12.697 police officer and unit officer of the 50:12.697 --> 50:15.360 year . Our next awards goes to the DL A 50:15.370 --> 50:17.560 outstanding fire personnel and fire 50:17.570 --> 50:19.681 department of the year . These awards 50:19.681 --> 50:21.292 recognize the commitment and 50:21.292 --> 50:22.848 professionalism of the DL A 50:22.848 --> 50:25.239 firefighters and fire departments . The 50:25.250 --> 50:27.361 award for the DL A firefighter of the 50:27.361 --> 50:29.709 year goes to firefighter Joshua Paul DL 50:29.719 --> 50:31.330 A installation management at 50:31.330 --> 50:32.330 Susquehanna . 50:40.399 --> 50:43.689 The DL A award for fire fire officer of 50:43.699 --> 50:45.810 the year goes to assistant fire chief 50:45.810 --> 50:48.649 Fred Smith DL A installation management 50:48.659 --> 50:49.659 at Susquehanna . 50:56.580 --> 50:58.691 The award for the DL , a fire service 50:58.691 --> 51:00.413 instructor of the year goes to 51:00.413 --> 51:02.879 assistant fire chief Gregory Watkins 51:02.889 --> 51:05.280 Junior DL A installation management at 51:05.290 --> 51:06.189 San Joaquin . 51:13.850 --> 51:15.683 The award for the DL A emergency 51:15.683 --> 51:17.906 communications center dispatcher of the 51:17.906 --> 51:19.909 year goes to lead dispatcher Noah 51:19.919 --> 51:22.449 Kingham DL A installation management at 51:22.459 --> 51:23.320 San Joaquin . 51:29.070 --> 51:31.237 The award for the DL A fire prevention 51:31.237 --> 51:33.070 program of the year goes to DL A 51:33.070 --> 51:35.181 installation management at Richmond . 51:35.181 --> 51:37.239 Accepting on behalf of the team is 51:37.250 --> 51:38.469 William Hoke . 51:57.560 --> 51:59.671 Another round of applause for D light 51:59.671 --> 52:01.671 insulation management at Richmond . 52:05.139 --> 52:07.306 The award for the DL A fire department 52:07.306 --> 52:09.417 of the year goes to DL A installation 52:09.417 --> 52:11.528 management at Susquehanna . Accepting 52:11.528 --> 52:13.639 on behalf of the team is Captain John 52:13.639 --> 52:14.639 Fogg . 52:37.360 --> 52:39.310 Another round of applause for DL A 52:39.320 --> 52:41.659 insulation management at Susquehanna . 52:44.159 --> 52:46.330 The winners of the DL A outstanding 52:46.340 --> 52:48.451 fire personnel and fire department of 52:48.451 --> 52:50.118 the year . This concludes the 52:50.118 --> 52:51.951 presentation of the installation 52:51.951 --> 52:54.007 support Excellence Awards . Our next 52:54.007 --> 52:56.260 award category is the Enterprise Safety 52:56.270 --> 52:58.250 Excellence Awards . This award 52:58.260 --> 53:00.550 encourages occupational safety and 53:00.560 --> 53:02.560 health professionals and individual 53:02.560 --> 53:04.860 employees to improve their overall 53:04.870 --> 53:07.092 agency , occupational safety and health 53:07.092 --> 53:09.810 programs and implement an occupational 53:09.820 --> 53:11.931 safety and health management system . 53:11.931 --> 53:14.100 The award for DL A safety professional 53:14.110 --> 53:16.070 of the year goes to Julia Vasquez 53:16.679 --> 53:19.219 Nazario DL A logistics operations , 53:20.709 --> 53:21.709 Chicken 53:43.459 --> 53:45.169 Julia Vasquez Rosario . 53:50.629 --> 53:52.860 The award for the DL safety champion of 53:52.870 --> 53:55.120 the year goes to Ashley Contreras D 53:55.429 --> 53:56.500 distribution . 54:18.790 --> 54:20.370 Ashley Contreras . 54:25.409 --> 54:27.760 The award for the DL A employee safety 54:27.770 --> 54:30.100 and voluntary protection program team 54:30.110 --> 54:32.379 goes to DL A Distribution's Defense 54:32.389 --> 54:34.979 Depot in San Joaquin , California 54:35.000 --> 54:37.120 automated Material handling Systems 54:37.129 --> 54:39.620 team accepting the award on behalf of 54:39.629 --> 54:41.399 the team is Todd Ross . 54:59.129 --> 55:01.073 Another round of applause for DL A 55:01.073 --> 55:03.310 installation automated material 55:03.320 --> 55:07.260 handling team . The 55:07.270 --> 55:09.326 award for the DL A safety management 55:09.326 --> 55:11.103 system achievement goes to DL A 55:11.103 --> 55:13.214 disposition services Fleet management 55:13.214 --> 55:15.326 team accepting the award on behalf of 55:15.326 --> 55:16.939 the team is William Coho . 55:37.699 --> 55:39.643 Another round of applause for DL A 55:39.643 --> 55:41.870 disposition services Fleet management 55:41.879 --> 55:45.379 team . This 55:45.389 --> 55:47.278 concludes the presentation of the 55:47.278 --> 55:49.459 enterprise Excellent Safety awards . 55:49.560 --> 55:52.010 Our next award category is the Security 55:52.020 --> 55:54.000 Professional awards . The Security 55:54.010 --> 55:56.219 Professional Awards were developed and 55:56.229 --> 55:58.620 recognized superior performance in the 55:58.629 --> 56:01.040 security specialist field . Security 56:01.050 --> 56:03.217 specialists serve in a wide variety of 56:03.217 --> 56:05.469 roles across the DL A enterprise and 56:05.479 --> 56:07.646 enable the director's strategic vision 56:07.646 --> 56:09.479 across the globe . Wherever DL A 56:09.479 --> 56:11.929 personnel and resources are located 56:12.139 --> 56:14.489 from the management of security forces 56:14.500 --> 56:16.699 on DL A installation to the protection 56:16.709 --> 56:18.959 of sensitive information across the 56:18.969 --> 56:21.639 enterprise . DL A security specialists 56:21.649 --> 56:24.229 are on duty around the clock ensuring 56:24.239 --> 56:26.530 the mission is executed . The award for 56:26.540 --> 56:28.651 the DL A senior security professional 56:28.651 --> 56:30.762 of the year goes to Patricia Murphy , 56:30.762 --> 56:31.873 DL a intelligence . 56:46.449 --> 56:47.449 Mhm . 56:58.860 --> 57:00.290 Patricia Murphy , 57:06.560 --> 57:08.449 the award for the Junior security 57:08.449 --> 57:10.282 Professional of the year goes to 57:10.282 --> 57:12.330 Danielle Avila DL A distribution . 57:31.949 --> 57:32.949 Danielle Avila . 57:38.669 --> 57:40.836 This concludes the presentation of the 57:40.836 --> 57:43.058 Security Professional Awards . Our next 57:43.058 --> 57:44.947 award category is the acquisition 57:44.949 --> 57:46.889 Excellence Awards . This award 57:46.899 --> 57:49.020 recognizes acquisition professionals 57:49.030 --> 57:50.709 who epitomize the concept of 57:50.719 --> 57:53.300 acquisition , excellence with integrity 57:53.310 --> 57:55.088 and support of our nation's war 57:55.088 --> 57:57.310 fighters . The award for excellence and 57:57.310 --> 58:00.129 acquisition goes to Lisa Kaiser Vega DL 58:00.139 --> 58:01.489 A land and maritime 58:27.020 --> 58:28.659 Lisa Kaiser Vega . 58:34.699 --> 58:36.755 The individual award for acquisition 58:36.755 --> 58:38.866 support professional of the year goes 58:38.866 --> 58:41.139 to Taru Taylor D A acquisition 59:04.320 --> 59:05.639 to Ro Taylor . 59:10.719 --> 59:12.441 The team award for acquisition 59:12.441 --> 59:14.386 workforce achievement goes to DL A 59:14.386 --> 59:16.520 troop supports individual equipment 59:16.530 --> 59:18.830 integrated supply team . Accepting the 59:18.840 --> 59:20.562 award on behalf of the team is 59:20.562 --> 59:21.562 Katherine Dilan . 59:40.449 --> 59:42.590 Another round of applause for DL A 59:42.649 --> 59:44.979 troop support , individual equipment , 59:44.989 --> 59:48.879 integrated supply team . The individual 59:48.889 --> 59:50.667 award for acquisition workforce 59:50.667 --> 59:52.778 achievement goes to Britney Schofield 59:52.778 --> 59:54.909 DL A distribution no , 01:00:17.149 --> 01:00:18.629 Britney Schofield . 01:00:24.209 --> 01:00:26.376 This concludes the presentation of the 01:00:26.659 --> 01:00:29.040 acquisition excellence awards . Our 01:00:29.050 --> 01:00:32.399 final category of awards today is the 01:00:32.409 --> 01:00:34.959 Information Technology awards . These 01:00:34.969 --> 01:00:37.580 awards recognize individuals and teams 01:00:37.590 --> 01:00:39.479 who have demonstrated the highest 01:00:39.479 --> 01:00:41.929 degree of proficiency , integrity and 01:00:41.939 --> 01:00:44.090 dedication providing information 01:00:44.100 --> 01:00:46.360 technology to support our nation's war 01:00:46.370 --> 01:00:48.426 fighters . The award for information 01:00:48.426 --> 01:00:50.592 technology program manager of the year 01:00:50.592 --> 01:00:53.520 is James Daniels , DL A Information 01:00:53.530 --> 01:00:54.639 Operations , 01:01:20.250 --> 01:01:21.760 James Daniels . 01:01:27.620 --> 01:01:29.676 The award for information technology 01:01:29.676 --> 01:01:31.879 team of the year is DL A Information 01:01:31.889 --> 01:01:34.449 Operations , secure View support team 01:01:34.560 --> 01:01:36.616 accepting the award on behalf of the 01:01:36.616 --> 01:01:37.929 team is Harry Pepper . 01:02:00.800 --> 01:02:02.689 Another round of applause for the 01:02:02.689 --> 01:02:04.744 Information Operations , secure View 01:02:04.744 --> 01:02:05.659 support team . 01:02:09.770 --> 01:02:11.714 This concludes the presentation of 01:02:11.714 --> 01:02:13.603 Information Technology Excellence 01:02:13.603 --> 01:02:15.870 Awards . Thank you , Vice Admiral sic . 01:02:15.879 --> 01:02:18.120 This concludes today's presentation of 01:02:18.129 --> 01:02:20.439 awards . Please join me in one more 01:02:20.449 --> 01:02:22.616 round of applause for all of our award 01:02:22.616 --> 01:02:23.616 winners 01:02:33.199 --> 01:02:35.689 on behalf of Vice Admiral Skube . Thank 01:02:35.699 --> 01:02:37.939 you for your participation in our 56th 01:02:37.949 --> 01:02:40.540 annual Employee Recognition ceremony . 01:02:40.550 --> 01:02:42.606 You are invited to join the awardees 01:02:42.606 --> 01:02:44.883 for reception in the headquarters cafe . 01:02:44.899 --> 01:02:47.350 Please rise for the departure of the 01:02:47.360 --> 01:02:49.899 official party followed by the award 01:02:49.909 --> 01:02:52.050 recipients , their family members and 01:02:52.060 --> 01:02:54.610 friends , senior leaders and remain in 01:02:54.620 --> 01:02:56.620 place until your brow is released . 01:02:56.620 --> 01:02:58.419 Thank you . Thank you , everybody .