A directive requires Executive Branch employees and contractors with access to any classified information or who hold sensitive positions to report more types of activities and foreign contact than before.
This includes many employees of the Defense Logistics Agency, as well as contractors and subcontractors.
Security Executive Agent Directive 3, “Reporting Requirements for Personnel With Access to Classified Information or Who Hold a Sensitive Position,” took effect June 12. The SEAD 3 directive, from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, lists basic reporting requirements and allows agencies to supplement these basic requirements with their own.
Covered persons must now report all unofficial foreign travel and foreign contacts. Foreign travel must be reported before the trip unless it’s an unexpected crossing into Mexico or Canada, which can be reported within five days of return. (Travel to U.S. territories is not reportable.)
They must also report continuing association with any foreign nationals whom they’re bound to by “affection, personal obligation or intimate contact,” as well as any contact that results in an exchange of personal information. This includes online contact.
Those who have contact with any agent of a foreign government, someone they suspect is from a foreign intelligence entity, or a foreign person asking for DoD information, must report this to the local security office immediately on returning to duty.
In addition, personnel in non-critical sensitive positions now must report any:
- Application for or receipt of foreign citizenship;
- Application for, possession of or use of a foreign passport or identity card for travel;
- Attempted elicitation, exploitation, blackmail, coercion, or enticement to obtain classified information or other information prohibited by law from disclosure, regardless of means;
- Media contact intended to obtain classified information, unless the contact is related to the covered person’s official duties;
- Arrest;
- Bankruptcy or debt delinquency of more than 120 days;
- Any sudden financial gain of $10,000 or more, such as from an inheritance or lottery winnings;
- Alcohol- or drug-related treatment.
Those holding a Critical Sensitive or Special Sensitive position must also report the following activities, in addition to those above:
- Direct involvement in a foreign business,
- Holding of foreign bank accounts,
- Ownership of foreign property,
- Voting in a foreign election,
- Shared residence of more than 30 days with any foreign national;
- Adoption of a child who is not a U.S. citizen.
- Marriage (whether to a U.S. citizen or foreign national);
- Cohabitation
SEAD 3 also mandates that coworkers report to their local security office any other covered person who:
- Shows an unwillingness to comply with rules, regulations or security requirements;
- Has unexplained affluence or excessive indebtedness;
- Abuses alcohol;
- Abuses prescription drugs or illegally obtains or distributes them;
- Uses drugs that are illegal per federal law, even in states where those drugs are legal per state or local law;
- Has apparent or suspected mental health problems that may reasonably be considered to affect the ability to protect classified information or other information prohibited by law from disclosure;
- Commits a crime;
- Takes any action that casts doubt on whether his or her continued national-security eligibility is clearly consistent with the interests of national security;
- Misuses U.S. government property or information systems.
A Frequently Asked Questions document from the ODNI is available, along with a SEAD 3 employer toolkit.
The full text of SEAD 3 is available as a PDF file.
Employees and supervisors will be required to take training on these requirements. Failure to comply with the requirements could result in an unfavorable security determination and/or administrative actions
DLA employees and contractors should direct any questions to their local DLA Intelligence security office.