DLA Europe & Africa
DLA Europe & Africa serves as the Defense Logistics Agency's operationalized Regional Command Headquarters supporting U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command Areas of Operation (AOR). DLA Europe & Africa proactively integrates and synchronizes DLA’s Global Readiness Solutions to ensure EUCOM, AFRICOM, and Service Component Warfighter Capability.
As the Nation’s Combat Logistic Support Agency’s forward single headquarters supporting EUCOM and AFRICOM AORs, DLA Europe & Africa provides the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, federal agencies, and partner and allied Nations with the full spectrum of logistics, acquisition, and technical services within an increasingly complex geographic environment that includes 55.8 million square miles covering 104 Nations.
Postured forward and supported by DLA’s six Major Subordinate Commands - DLA Aviation, DLA Troop Support, DLA Energy, DLA Distribution, DLA Disposition, DLA Land and Maritime - DLA Europe & Africa is prepared to sustain warfighter readiness and lethality by delivering proactive global logistics in peace and war.
With a dedicated, agile workforce that is forward and engaged throughout Europe and Africa, DLA Europe & Africa leverages strong partnerships with the Joint Logistics Enterprise, Inter-Agency, Industry, and partner and Allied Nations to serve the Warfighter and our Nation!