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News | May 23, 2024

Central Region provides new sights and adventures for deployers

By Jason Shamberger DLA Disposition Services

Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services operates sites across the world and each region possesses its own unique set of characteristics. Will Schlortt, an operations manager based out of San Antonio, recently completed a six-month deployment to the agency’s Central region. Schlortt, who has been with DLA since 2016, served as the Qatar site lead, where he helped to oversee property turn in and demilitarization during his time on station.

Two men sit atop camels in the desert.
Will Schlortt Central Deployment
Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services' Will Schlortt takes time during his recent Central deployment to go camel riding through the desert.
Photo By: DLA Disposition Services
VIRIN: 240521-D-D0441-1002

“As a site lead, we’re responsible overall for receiving and issuing the property,” said Schlortt. “Mostly from the Al Udeid Air Base. We do get property from other locations that are in the region - Jordan ships property to us and the United Arab Emirates ships to us sometimes. We do full-service property disposal.”

The diverse Qatar team – made up of government civilians, military, and contractors – maintains a high operational tempo. All property turned in within the region must go through the DEMIL process. Schlortt explained that those at the site were all well versed in performing multiple tasks, including using cutting torches and large equipment to shear or shred property into smaller pieces as part of this process.

Group photo in the desert.
Will Schlortt Central Deployment
Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services' Will Schlortt and members of his Qatar field site team enjoy a desert excursion during their deployment.
Photo By: DLA Disposition Services
VIRIN: 240521-D-D0441-1003
“I’ll miss the flexibility of doing something different every day, and getting out and interacting with the people here,” said Schlortt. “Not just DLA and military, but also the contractors and the Qataris that we interact with.”

Due to manning and customer requirements, flexibility is important in the region as personnel routinely perform multiple duties rather than one single task day in and day out. Schlortt said region team members take advantage of the opportunity to perform new tasks not available in the U.S.

“For the most part, you’re doing one job at the sites in the states, either receiving or shipping property, whereas here you have to do everything,” said Schlortt. “They get a well-rounded view of the whole operation. It’s a microcosm of all the different activities that go on in the states.”

But it’s not just during the duty day where flexibility comes into play. While those stationed at these sites are far from the familiarity of home, there are still plenty of ways they can stay busy and pass the time. The region boasts a wide variety of recreational options.

“This is my first deployment where we had any flexibility to go off base – everything else in the military or for DLA was either in Iraq or Afghanistan,” said Schlortt. “Here, when we went off-base, we could see the culture in downtown Douha, experience the food, ride a camel and experience the desert.”

After spending 22 years in the Army, this was not the traditional deployment environment Schlort was used to. Over the course of his time in theater with DLA Disposition Services, he and his team took part in multiple excursions and off-base activities.

“It’s almost like a regular installation with Morale, Welfare and Recreation events, tour packages available, and you can go do desert safaris, off-roading, boat trips, and other sight-seeing,” said Schlortt. “If you want to do fun things, you have that ability, and the base makes it convenient.”

Man sits in cockpit of aircraft.
Will Schlortt Central Deployment
Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services' Will Schlortt recently completed a deployment to Qatar where he served as the site lead.
Photo By: DLA Disposition Services
VIRIN: 240521-D-D0441-1001

Schlortt praised the environment, and marveled at how welcoming the locals were as well as the level of comfort he and his team had in exploring their temporary homes.

“We never felt threatened and it’s a very friendly atmosphere,” said Schlortt. “Lots of tourist things to do and tons of malls in the city. And all kinds of activities like soccer tournaments – we went to Asia Cup matches. If you don’t do anything, it’s because you didn’t want to do anything. There are lots of ways to get out.”

Even though the region takes its personnel far from their homes it doesn’t mean they are without a support system in place to fall back on. The DLA Disposition Services sites within Central work very closely with one another daily to overcome any challenges they may encounter and help their team stay strong and united as they support the warfighter.

“DSD Central is a smaller group, so you get more interaction with the leadership, and everybody is very supportive,” said Schlortt. “If I have an issue here, I can easily call over to Kuwait and they were very willing to provide assistance. Everyone is moving toward the same goal, no matter where they are at, and I’ll miss that.”