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News | Nov. 7, 2019

DSCR celebrates Marine Corps birthday

By Cathy Hopkins DLA Aviation Public Affairs Office

Marine Corps service members and Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, employees filled the old center cafeteria Nov. 5 to celebrate the birthday of the Corps.

Steeped in 244 years of tradition, the event began with the 2019 birthday video message from the Marine Commandant Gen. David Berger and Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps Troy Black.

Berger reminded Marines of their maritime roots and the future he sees for the service returning to an amphibious-focused force.

“We must be able to do it from the sea,” Berger said. “The sea is where we will launch from, maneuver from and recover to.”

“Marines win as a team," Black said in the video message. “It’s a team sport. We get there, fight, sustain, advance and win as a team.”

Marine Corps Col. Larry Herring, chief, U.S. Marine Corps Customer Facing Division, Customer Operations Directorate and Defense Logistics Agency Aviation Commander Air Force Brig. Gen. David Sanford, guest of honor, gave remarks honoring and highlighting the accomplishments of the Corps.

Herring said the event is an opportunity to get together and to celebrate and remember the Marine Corps’ great legacy, built by those who came before us and those who will continue to carry that great legacy into the future.

“Today, and every day, we take pride in representing the Marine Corps, to belonging to something bigger than ourselves and to embodying the values our Corps was founded on,” he said.

Following Herring, Sanford addressed the audience.

“I want to say happy birthday to the men and women of our United States Marine Corps. I’ve had the chance of serving with Marines around the world and I always knew I could count on support from the Marines. We may disagree, but that’s ok. We are always on the same team, serving together.  Our adversaries fear our Marines and today’s tradition, professionalism and esprit de corps show why that fear is earned.”

Part of the ceremony included cutting the birthday cake and recognizing the oldest and youngest Marines present.

This year, the oldest present, Chief Warrant Officer Jacqueline Elazier-Allison passed a slice of birthday cake to Captain Katherine Pollock, signifying the passing of experience and knowledge to the next generation.