Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month formally kicked-off at the Defense Supply Center Columbus during an information and activity fair held inside Building 20.
The Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program hosted the 5th annual Information and Activity Fair to kick-off 2018’s Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month April 4.
The event was created to highlight SAAPM activities planned throughout the month and provide participants with interactive activities to gain a better understanding of sexual violence and how to prevent it.
Local service providers that specialize in providing crisis intervention, advocacy and long term counseling to sexual assault survivors were also on site.
Local service providers included:
- The Vet Center: a stand-alone Veteran Affairs Program that was established by Congress out of the recognition that a significant number of Vietnam vets were experiencing readjustment problems. Program services then expanded to include combat veterans from other periods of conflict, bereavement counseling for families who lost a loved one while on active duty and those who suffered sexual trauma while in the military.
- The Chalmers P. Wylie Ambulatory Care Clinic: also provides mental health and healthcare services for Military Sexual Trauma survivors and had representatives at the Fair.
Non veteran based organizations represented included:
• The Deaf World Against Violence Everywhere (DWAVE)
• The Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO)
Fair interactive activities included a “What Would You Do” wheel where SAPR staff could engage participants in a conversation about bystander intervention and how to intervene when they witness inappropriate behavior. A “Start By Believing” Pledge and Survivor Support letter were offered for participants to write a special message to survivors. The “Going the Distance to Support SAPR” Enterprise Wide Challenge (link to info page) was highlighted to include DLA Land and Maritime’s 2nd Annual Directorate Challenge. Information was also provided on the effects of sexual assault, consent, how to support a survivor and how to talk about sexual violence matters.
People & Culture Directorate representatives were also present at the Fair to promote the Culture Climate Survey that ends on April 17.