“On most mornings, our drive to work is relatively uneventful,” said David Jones, a senior operations research analyst at Defense Logistics Agency Information Operations in Richmond, Virginia.
“We leave home, drive at or near the speed limit, show our identification to gate security and start our day. But that norm was shattered for Jessica Ramsaran on May 11,” Jones said of his colleague in the Analytics Center of Excellence. “I saw her help save a life on the way to work.”
Ramsaran saw a vehicle begin to drive erratically, recalled Jones, who was not far behind Ramsaran on his own morning commute. The other driver crossed the median and struck the guardrail, then careened back across the road and struck the guardrail on the other side before coming to a stop, Jones said. Pieces of the car littered the road.
Ramsaran and another driver pulled over to help, Jones said. They were able to stop traffic as they assessed the situation. Although the driver was injured, he was able to unlock the doors for them.
Because Ramsaran and the other good Samaritan didn’t know the extent of the driver’s injuries, they turned the car off to prevent him from moving it. Another woman pulled over and called 911, passing along vital information Ramsaran relayed about the driver’s condition.
While they waited for help, a former Army medic stopped and determined the driver might have suffered a diabetes-induced event caused by low blood sugar. Ramsaran, realizing she had something that might help, gave orange juice to the driver. This helped him calm down and regain some coherence.
First responders soon arrived and stepped in. They took statements from each of the good Samaritans who stopped. The emergency responders said that by keeping the injured driver immobile and helping to level his blood sugar, they played a key role in saving his life.
“There was an initial amount of shock when it happened,” Ramsaran said. “You’re usually the one passing the aftermath of the accident, not running towards it.”
Although Jones was about half a mile from the crash when it happened, “I witnessed the aftermath and can confirm that Jessica acted above and beyond the call of duty,” he said. “Ramsaran’s selfless act and courage in this stressful situation helped save the life of a stranger,” he added. “ We’re proud to have her as part of our team.”