The Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services command team has completed another year of supporting the organization’s directorates and strong partnerships.
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, Equal Employment Opportunity and Public Affairs offices provide their expertise to the workforce to enhance the work environment by offering crucial training and support, as well as creating a voice for the agency through strategic communication efforts.
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response office offered training opportunities to every DLA Disposition Services’ sites.
The Sexual Assault Response Coordinator Robin Rogers also served as the lead for the enterprise-wide Teal Ribbon Relay.
Each of DLA’s major subordinate commands tracked their mileage – walk or run – and the MSC with the most miles at the end of April won the competition and bragging rights for the year.
As the point-of-contact Rogers’ job was to promote the relay, track the mileage of each participant, and submit the information to DLA headquarters.
This year, DLA Disposition Services took first place in all three categories: highest mileage for MSC – 9,576.41 miles, highest participation – 7%, and top participant – Matthew Little with 649.99 miles.
Another highlight for the Command team was the Public Affairs Office’s execution of DLA Disposition Services’ 50th anniversary celebration.
Throughout the year, the team posted stories highlighting DLA Disposition Services’ rich history, employee and site spotlights, a historical booklet, and extra social media coverage that resulted in approximately 50% of all social media content.
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Learn more about the 50th anniversary celebration
The celebration culminated in a ceremony at the Battle Creek, Michigan, headquarters. DLA employees, retirees, family members, and the city of Battle Creek’s senior leaders participated in the event.
“We are taking the time to celebrate and reflect on this organization and its 50-year history supporting the warfighter anywhere and everywhere,” DLA Disposition Services Director Mike Cannon said during the Sept. 12 event. “Let’s celebrate the people who have made Disposition Services what it is today.”
Other notable accomplishments include three members of the public affairs team winning agency-wide awards – two of which went on to place in the Defense Media Merit Awards, representing the best of the Department of Defense public affairs professions.
Public Affairs Specialist Jeff Landenberger received first place in ‘Portrait’ and ‘Photo series’ categories at the DLA-level and for DMMA. He also placed first in the ‘News Photo’ category at the DLA-level. His photo series submission included images from COREX 21 exercise in Guam and highlighted DLA Disposition Services’ ability to deploy to a forward position and support military units.
Public Affairs Specialist Jake Joy received first place in ‘Commentary’ and second place in the ‘Civilian Writer of the Year’ DLA award categories, as well as third place in the ‘Commentary’ category for DMMA.
Public Affairs Program Analyst Pete Gentry received first place in the DLA ‘Layout and Design’ category for a graphic design product he created for DLA Disposition Services.
“I’m proud of the team and what we accomplished this year,” DLA Disposition Services Public Affairs Officer said. “We had a lot of objectives this year, in addition to our regular mission, and the outcome of our work exceeded our expectations. I’m excited to see what the team will produce in 2023.”
Arnita Furgason took the helm of the Equal Employment Opportunity Office following Director Al Hight’s retirement in August after 38 years of service.
In addition to the regularly scheduled training and Special Emphasis Program observances that are highlighted each year, EEO developed new trainings and a survey to hone in on areas that may need special attention.
Equal Employment Specialists Renelle Hansen and Angela Tabron spearheaded new training that focuses on body language talks and effective communication with a goal of improving communication across DLA Disposition Services, sharing best practices and lessons learned.
To better understand the climate of the agency, an anonymous digital EEO climate assessment was developed and implemented agency wide.
Climate assessments are performed to discover, monitor and address any latent or patent cultural issues amongst the workforce.
Overall, EEO conducted 45 trainings – 22 virtual, 1 hybrid, and 22 in-person – where a total of 888 employees were trained.
The Internal Review Office concentrated on educating the workforce on the importance of fraud prevention, detection and how to report suspected cases.
The office provided an in-depth overview ranging from the different types of fraud, the financial impact, and introducing related terminology like the ‘fraud triangle’ – opportunity, pressure and rationalization are the three most common factors that persuade fraudsters to commit a fraudulent act.
Additionally, there were ten different internal reviews that were completed and identified vital information that would positively benefit DLA Disposition Services.
The Command Support team faced additional mission requirements in 2022 that allowed the support offices to highlight their expertise and dedication to both internal and external customers.