Culture team summit develops initiatives for Disposition Services
Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services alongside Document Services hosted the annual Culture Action Team Summit October 23 − 27 at the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center in Battle Creek, Michigan.
The five-day event brought together culture champions and representatives from various branches of the organization and diverse regions within the continental United States and overseas, providing a dynamic platform to delve into culture initiatives, embrace innovation, and ensure the voices of all employees are heard.
"Culture is taking care of the people. - Why do we care? Because the people take care of the mission," DLA Disposition Services Deputy Director, US Army Col. Andre Toussaint addressed the Culture Action Team.
His words set the tone for the event, emphasizing the pivotal role of people in the organization's success.
The CAT Summit was held in conjunction with the Leadership Summit, allowing opportunities for culture team members to attend workforce presentations and interact directly with senior leaders from across the major subordinate command.
Throughout the week the team received visits from the MSC Director, Vice Director, and several subject matter experts fostering candid conversations about culture and reinforcing the organization's commitment to transparency and open dialogue.
Culture representative volunteers and multipliers work closely with the primary Culture Champion Lizzie Roberts. Together they play a vital role in workplace culture improvement by providing expertise, advice, support, and advocacy with senior leaders. Team members worked diligently to identify fiscal year 2024 initiatives and communicate those focus areas with our senior leaders. Focus areas discussed included the Document Services integration, the end of the Future of Work pilot, return to office, and better linear training and communication.
"Culture can only be as good as what leadership invests in it," stated Elaine Major, from Mid-America region.
Her statement highlights the critical connection between leadership and culture, asserting that leaders must commit to nurturing a positive culture for it to thrive.
Additionally, the team discussed the forthcoming release of the Climate Culture Survey results and how this data will be instrumental in shaping culture action plans.
One of the challenges shared across the MSC was the need to reassure employees about the confidentiality of the survey and reiterate the changes and improvements that have been achieved from the previous year’s data.
Warehouse innovations, Material Handling Equipment Specialist positions, new hire processes, and better foundational training were identified as progresses that have been developed from previous survey results.
During a collaborative discussion, the team agreed that focusing on improving culture should remain consistent and unwavering, no matter the challenges an organization faces. Culture action plans for each region and site will be created for short term and long-term goals.
"Culture cannot be a priority based upon the season," remarked Nancy Cruz, representing DLA Document Services.
The summit also put a spotlight on communication and culture innovation as a central focus. During this event, culture champions engaged in discussions and worked diligently to ensure diverse employees' perspectives were considered and identified fresh ways to maximize innovation and best practices across all sites.