Appointed to the Senior Executive Service in January 2014, Mr. Timothy G. Goddette became the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Sustainment (DASA(S)), on May 10, 2021. He is responsible for the formation, implementation and execution of Army Acquisition, Life Cycle Logistics, Industrial Base policies, processes and procedures providing oversight to manage supply chain risk in our weapon systems. He also serves as the lead for the Army’s Corrosion Protection Program. Mr. Goddette is an Army Acquisition Corps member and certified at the highest level in Program Management.
Prior to becoming DASA(S), Mr. Goddette served from 2018-2021 as Program Executive Office, Combat Support & Combat Service Support in Warren Michigan. He was responsible for approximately 150 programs in active management at all ACAT levels, and approximately 110 additional programs in sustainment. Mr. Goddette oversaw an annual budget of approximately $3.5 billion and a workforce of over 1400 military, civilian and contractors in five geographic locations. From 2014 to 2018, Mr. Goddette served as the Deputy Program Executive Officer for Soldier, with a detail as the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition Policy and Logistics in 2017.
• 2021-Present Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Sustainment, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology), Washington, DC
• 2018-2021 Program Executive Officer (Combat Support and Combat Service Support), Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology), Warren, MI
• 2014-2018 Deputy Program Executive Officer (Soldier), Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology), Fort Belvoir, VA
• 2010-2014 Director, Sustainment Systems and Simulation, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology), Washington, DC
• MS, National Resource Strategy, National Defense University, Wash DC, 2003
• MS, Industrial Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 1992
• BS, Engineering, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, 1982
• Program Managers Skills Course, Defense Systems Management College, 2004
• Industrial College of the Armed Forces Senior Acquisition Course, 2003
• Advance Program Management Course, Defense Systems Management College, 1997
• United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1996
• United States Army Combined Arms Service Staff School, 1989
• Level III in Program Management
• Level II in Systems Research Development and Engineering
• Level II in Test and Evaluation
• Senior Executive Service Appointment (January 2014)
• Superior Civilian Service Award in 2102
• Legion of Merit Medal (one oak leaf cluster)
• Meritorious Service Medal (four oak leaf clusters)
• Silver DeFleury Medal, Engineer Association
• Order of Saint Martin, Quarter Master Association
• Order of Saint Christopher, Transportation Association
• Member of the Army Acquisition Corps
• Member of the Association of the United States Army
• Member United States Army Engineers Association
• Land Combat Systems Industry Report, 2003