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News | April 8, 2019

Governor assesses Ohio’s importance to nation’s military defense strategy

By Michael Jones DLA Land and Maritime Public Affairs

Civilian shakes hand with military in front of steps
Joseph Zeis (left), aerospace and defense advisor is greeted by Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Commander Navy Rear Adm. John Palmer as he arrives on Defense Supply Center Columbus for an orientation visit Apr. 1.
Civilian shakes hand with military in front of steps
Governor assess Ohio’s importance to nation’s military defense strategy
Joseph Zeis (left), aerospace and defense advisor is greeted by Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Commander Navy Rear Adm. John Palmer as he arrives on Defense Supply Center Columbus for an orientation visit Apr. 1.
Photo By: Michael Rowland
VIRIN: 190401-D-RE244-015
The Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime Commander Navy Rear Adm. John Palmer hosted Joseph Zeis during an installation orientation visit April 1 at the Defense Supply Center Columbus. Zeis was recently appointed to Governor Mike DeWine’s staff as the aerospace and defense advisor.

"DLA Land and Maritime and the DSCC operations play a vital role in the nation’s defense strategy, and we are pleased that the governor and his staff honored us with a visit from Mr. Zeis,” Palmer said.  “We look forward to continued communication with the leadership in Ohio’s state government.”

During the visit Palmer provided Zeis with an in-depth presentation of DLA and DSCC operations and the strategic importance of the installation’s substantial contributions to the nation’s military services and their readiness efforts.

Leadership from the Defense Finance and Accounting Services - Columbus, the second largest tenant on DSCC, also attended the orientation and provided a description of the financial services support they furnish to DLA operations and DSCC military and civilian tenant organizations.

“My appointment reflects the governor’s interest in Ohio military installations and the families and military members who service those organizations,” Zeis said.

Two men talking
Joseph Zeis (right), aerospace and defense advisor, gets an in depth explanation from a test lab associate about the procedures used during a visit to the Defense Supply Center Columbus laboratory testing facility.
Two men talking
Governor assess Ohio’s importance to nation’s military defense strategy
Joseph Zeis (right), aerospace and defense advisor, gets an in depth explanation from a test lab associate about the procedures used during a visit to the Defense Supply Center Columbus laboratory testing facility.
Photo By: Michael Rowland
VIRIN: 190401-D-RE244-026
“There are probably four distinct areas that I’ve been asked to focus on. First is to preserve and increase the military profile of Ohio’s federal and military installations – to include Department of Defense and Fourth Estate operations of which DLA Land and Maritime is a part of,” Zeis said. “Secondly, I’m looking for synergy within Ohio’s collective industrial portfolio and avenues to merge our dynamic research and development interests. Thirdly, the attraction of related defense industry jobs in conjunction with Jobs Ohio efforts. And finally, working to support Ohio’s workforce, both the military and civilian families who work tirelessly to support the first three initiatives outlined earlier,” he added.

Zeis also emphasized when you look comprehensively at all of Ohio’s capabilities, the total contributions can be greater than the individual capabilities.

“It’s a unique value proposition to help Ohioans understand the broad scope of the industrial base present here in the state,” Zeis said.

Assessing his first visit to DSCC, Zeis said that it was an amazing installation and its impact, scope and major missions were impressive.

“The shear breath of the buying power and amount of defense dollars and budget that goes through here is extraordinary.”

After mission briefings were completed and before he departed, Zeis was escorted on an installation tour that focused on some of the significant DSCC organizations and functions.