A NATO Stock Number (NSN) is simply an official label applied to an item of supply. The NATO Codification System (NCS) is a uniform and common system for the identification, classification and stock numbering of items of supply.
Objectives of the NCS include
- Facilitate interoperability between user nations
- Increase the effectiveness of user nation's logistics systems
- Minimize logistics costs of user nations
- Facilitate data handling
The NSN is recognized by the United States government, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and many international partners around the world.
One Item - One Stock Number
NATO Master Catalogue of Reference for Logistics
The multilingual NATO Master Catalogue of References for Logistics (NMCRL) exists as a real time database on the Internet (NMCRL-WEB) and as an offline database for use on any computer not connected to the Internet NMCRLOFFLINE). As the primary logistics tool for NATO and AC/135 sponsored countries, the NMCRL provides a catalogue of the materiel they use. NMCRL is a database containing all NSNs worldwide and varies from the FED LOG product which consists mainly of United States National Stock Numbers (NSNs) and those NSNs used by the United States. FED LOG; however, contains more information in comparison to NMCRL (e.g. management data, prices, etc.). Only a small number of the countries share their management data via NMCRL. The majority of NATO Codification System countries (i.e. NATO and AC/135 sponsored countries) do not exchange that data internationally.
Email: nmcrl@nspa.nato.int
For more information, please visit the web link at: https://www.nato.int/nmcrl/
Federal Logistics Data on Mobile Media (FED LOG)
FED LOG is available by subscription or can be downloaded directly from FedMall. FED LOG is For Official Use Only (FOUO) and is used by engineering, technical research, provisioning, procurement/contracting, supply, cataloging, maintenance, distribution, storage, transportation, quality assurance and disposal personnel to retrieve management, part/reference number, supplier, Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE), freight, Interchangeability and Substitutability (I&S) and characteristics information recorded against NSNs. FED LOG also provides service unique data for additional search capabilities. FED LOG is available to AC/135 Partner Nations funded with an FMS case.
For more information, please visit: https://www.dla.mil/does/fedlog
Public Logistics Data on Mobile Media (PUB LOG)
PUB LOG is an interactive alternative source for users not authorized to access FED LOG or WebFLIS but require National Stock Number (NSN) information and other cataloging information including Federal Supply Classification (FSC) data and Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Codes. Restricted data such as service unique data, proprietary data and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) data is not available in PUB LOG. PUB LOG is available to AC/135 Partner Nations funded with an FMS case. For more information, please visit: https://www.dla.mil/does/publog
Public Logistics Data on Mobile Media FLIS Search (PUB LOG FLIS Search)
PUB LOG FLIS Search is a downloadable web service that users install to their PC. A onetime download of the executable file is all that is required for making the web service function. Data files are not included. The executable file connects to a secured server that stores and returns data with each query. This data is updated weekly. Users will be notified if an update to the executable file is required. Restricted data such as service unique data, proprietary data and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) data is not available in PUB LOG FLIS Search. Information is obtained through the Freedom of Information (FOIA), e-Reading room and requires no subscription or CAC authorization. For more information, please visit: https://www.dla.mil/FOIA/Electronic-Reading-Room/
Customer Support
DLA Customer Interaction Center
The DLA Customer Interaction Center (CIC) began servicing customers in 2009, with 315K contacts in 2017 leveraging technology to provide
world class customer service geared towards logistics and supply needs. The CIC provides solutions to the Armed Services, Federal Agencies, State and local governments, government contractors, allied foreign military and the general public.
Email: dlacontactcenter@dla.mil
Web: http://www.dla.mil/CustomerSupport
United States National Codification Bureau
U.S. NCB - A member of NATO Allied Committee/135 and the National Codification System. The U.S. representative at NATO planning/codification meetings on logistics information matters. Our Mission: To facilitate the exchange of logistics information between multinational defense forces in support of U.S. and NATO missions.
Email: ncbus@dla.mil
Web: https://www.dla.mil/What-DLA-Offers/Federal-and-International-Cataloging/
NATO Codification System (NCS) College
A sample of the available training is available for interested parties; however, all countries should contact their home NCB first to confirm what training is available locally.
Training Services Web: http://www.nato.int/structur/AC/135/main/links/training.htm
Group of National Directors on Codification Contacts: http://www.nato.int/structur/AC/135/main/links/contacts.htm
Allied Committee 135 (AC/135)
The AC/135 provides participant Nations with a uniform NATO Codification System as the global reference standard for materiel identification, and as a key enabler to support NATO and multinational interoperability and harmonized logistic systems.
Web: http://www.nato.int/structur/AC/135/welcome.htm
Allied Codification Publications; NATO Manual on Codification
This publication, sets out the principles, responsibilities, procedures, forms and general guidance on the operation of the
NATO Codification System.
Web: www.nato.int/structur/AC/135/main/links/acodp1.htm
DLA Customer Interaction Center (DLA CIC)
We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including Government holidays.
‘One Call Resolution’
Toll Free: 1-877-DLA-CALL
Defense Switched Network (DSN): xx-877-352-2255
Email: dlacontactcenter@dla.mil
E-mail us at customeroutreach@dla.mil for questions or additional interest in Brochures.