DLA Sponsored DD Forms

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Form Information

Category Details
Form Number: DD2345
Form Title: Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement
Form Version: Oct 2022
Status: Active
Functional Area: Logistics Operations
Opr: J3 (JCP Office)
Safeguards: None
Electronic: Yes
Form Link: https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/forms/dd/dd2345.pdf
Type: Prescribed
Prescribed: DoDD 5230.25
Description: The DD Form 2345 is the only tool used by DoD by which North American contractors can apply and obtain access to unclassified DoD militarily critical (export controlled) technical data with a military or space application. The form must be submitted to the Joint Certification Program Office for review and approval. Once the form is certified by the JCP Office it becomes a legal agreement. External coordination was omitted since the form is only used by the Joint Certification Program to collect information from DoD.
Records Retention: 4015.05 Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreements. Temporary. Cutoff at end of Event. Destroy 5 years after expiration date. Exception: Agreements containing major changes bring original agreement forward to current file. DAA-0361-2020-0004 Pending NARA Approval DoDD 5230.25