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News | April 4, 2022

Employee Reflection: Matthew J. Wickham

DLA Disposition Services

Management and Program Analyst, Resource Advisor

DLA Disposition Services Sagami General Depot
Sagamihara, Japan

Man in front of a truck
Matthew J. Wickham
DLA Disposition Services Management and Program Analyst Matthew J. Wickham.
Photo By: DLA Courtesy Photo
VIRIN: 220329-D-D0441-100
Describe your job in a sentence or two.  What do you do specifically?

As the Sagami Hub Management & Program Analyst I perform operational oversight of the operating budget for DLA Disposition Services sites at Sagami General Depot, MCAS Iwakuni, Misawa AB and Fleet Activities Sasebo.  Additionally, I serve as the Hub Training Coordinator and take care of official travel along with other administrative and logistical requirements.

 How long have you worked for the federal government including military service?

32 years, 26 military & 6 civil service.

How long have you worked for DLA Disposition Services?

8 Months

What is your favorite memory with DLA Disposition Services?

My favorite memory with DLA Disposition Services goes back to 1996 when I was serving in the U.S. Air Force at F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming. I had to upload, transport, off load and turn in a crashed 1970’s era UH-1H helicopter. I was impressed with the teamwork and coordination between the aviation unit and the Disposition Receivers.  They turned a difficult task into an easy one.

What aspect(s) of your current job gives you the most personal satisfaction and why?

Modern logistics and our existing government financial bureaucracy do not mesh so providing our teammates with the resources they need, when they need it makes me happy.

What is the best piece of advice someone has given you?

"Don't try to eat the whole elephant in one bite.  Eat it a bite at a time."

If you could speak directly to the warfighters you support, what would you tell them?

Be open minded and well-rounded with your training and area of expertise.  It will provide a good foundation and allow you to meet most challenges the enemy, the DoD and mother nature will throw at you.  Share that knowledge with the next generation so they too can survive and carry on the mission.

Man in front of a truck
Matthew J. Wickham
DLA Disposition Services Management and Program Analyst Matthew J. Wickham.
Photo By: DLA Courtesy Photo
VIRIN: 220329-D-D0441-300
Tell us something most people might not know about you or your directorate?

I am a Metal Head.  British, American, Japanese or German, the louder the music the better.

Who's your biggest influence?

Chief Master Sgt. Donald Foster.  His mentorship and leadership by example taught me the importance of integrity and ethics in all my actions.  He often had me operate outside my comfort zone and that prepared me later with the difficult task of leading young men and women in combat convoy operations throughout Iraq.

Name your favorite/recent books you have read.

Death March on Mount Hakkoda. Should be mandatory reading at all U.S. Service Academy's, ROTC and Professional Military Education schools.

What is your favorite quote?

Katte kabuto no o o shimeyo - After victory is achieved, tighten your helmet straps.