Implementation Conventions

Data Exchange Specifications (EDI X12, XML, DLSS)

Search Implementation Conventions

A DLMS Implementation Convention is a DoD defined data exchange format for the transfer of supply specific information.

If you require assistance or training on DLMS X12 or Implementation Convention related topics, please Contact us for further information.

Use the information below to search Implementation Conventions and their associated Exchange Specifications.

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Click any column header to sort table data.
IC NumberX12 VersionTitleEDI X12 ICXML SchemaApproved DLMS ChangeDLSS (MILS)
180M4010Materiel Returns Reporting

180M Apr0324

180M Apr0324

60 60A 60B 77
170 435 436 1043
1043A  1043B  1043C  1136
1287 1316 1353 1367
1412 1465    


511M4010Requisition Modification

511M Mar2924

511M Mar2924

59 69A 75 76
77 97 169 186
221 221A 243 263
264 274 276 284A
322 328 352 359
375 377 381 381B
435 436 448 448B
466 473A 1009A 1014 
1014A  1020  1023 1043 
1043A  1043B  1043C 1050 
1068  1075  1110 1123 
1136  1161A  1176 1184
1287 1306 1307 1307A
1321 1343 1360 1367
1370 1381 1390 1412
1420 1454 1465  

 A0_/AM_ (SA only)


511R Mar1924

511R Mar1924

45 59 67 69
69A 70 75 76
77 79 83 86
97 169 176 178
183 186 221 221A
243 264 266 274
276 279 284A 322
328 352 359 363
375 377 381 381B
426 428 428A 435
436 448 448B 457
466 473A 1009A 1014
1014A 1019 1020 1021
1023 1043 1043A 1043B
1043C 1050 1062 1068
1068B 1075 1110 1123
1136 1156A 1161A 1176
1184 1207 1234 1287
1306 1307 1307A 1321
1343 1360 1367 1370
1381 1390 1412 1420
1431 1454 1465  

 A0_/AM_ (SA only)

517G4010Management Control Activity Validation

517G Jun2322

517G Jul1720

77 99 99A 435
436 1014 1014A 1043
1043C 1123 1161A 1287
1367 1420    


517M4010Materiel Obligation Validation (MOV)

517M Apr0224

517M Apr0224

49 49A 49B 77
78 99 99A 281
435 436 1043 1043A
1043B 1043C 1287 1367
1412 1465    


527D4010Due-in/Advance Receipt /Due Verification

527D Jan1324

527D Jan1324

45 46 51 54
63 77 123 124
135 148 157 172
221A 234 295 342
348 353A 370 373
381 381A 381B 386
410 410A 435 436
461 466 1007A 1021
1043 1043C 1068 1080
1128 1136 1156 1161A
1172 1244 1249 1268
1287 1367 1370 1387
1412 1420 1454 1460


527R4010Receipt, Inquiry, Response and MRA

527R Jan1324

527R Jan1324 

51 68 72 73
77 130 133 140
148 157 197 199
200 216 218 221A
234 247 261 267
272 274 295 313
342 347 348 351
373 377 381 381A
386 390 435 436
442 443 445 461
466 1007 1016 1017
1019 1021 1042 1043
1043C 1068 1106 1109
1111 1128 1156 1161A
1185 1198 1224A 1225
1225A 1230 1238 1244
1244B 1249 1268 1273
1281 1287 1292 1323
1353 1367 1363 1364
1370 1400 1404 1412
1420 1454 1464A  


536L4010Logistics Reassignment Management Data

536L Jul0622

536L Jul0622

77 118 185 221A
349 436 1043C 1161A
1161B 1254 1287 1367
1412 1420    


536R4030Acquisition and Valuation

536R May1123

536R May1123

567C4010Contract Completion Status (DLMS Contract Completion Statement/Unclosed Contract Status/Contract Close-out Extension)

567C Jul0622

567C Jul0622

168 1043C 1161A 1163
1163A 1366 1367 1391


650A4030Assembly Component Maintenance Structure

650A Feb2422

650A Feb2422

149A 436 1043C 1254
1367 1412    

(See ADC 149A)

650C4030Component Packing Confirmation

650C Feb2422

650C Feb2422

145 189 436 1043C
1367 1412    

C2F (See ADC 145)

810L4010Logistics Bill

810L Jul1923

810L Jul1923

77 154 221A 274
290 315 332 350
435 436 448 448B
473B 1043 1043A 1043B
1043C 1068 1136 1161A
1213 1307A 1353 1367
1412 1420    


812L4010Logistics Bill Adjustment Request Reply

812L Jul0722

812L Jul0722

221A 275 290 435
436 473B 1043 1043C
1068 1161A 1213 1213A
1287 1367 1420  


812R4010Logistics Bill Adjustment Request

812R Feb2822

812R Feb2822

275 221A 290 435
436 473B 1043 1043C
1068 1161A 1213 1287
1367 1383 1412  


824R4010Reject Advice

824R Aug2323

824R Aug2323

160 179 248 330
436 471 1043A 1043C
1103 1136 1161A 1214A
1226 1287 1367 1412
1419 1420 1433  


830D4030Demand Data Exchange (DDE) Projected Supply Plan

830D Sep1223

830D Sep1223

278 284A 436 1043C
1082 1105 1138 1267
1367 1412 1454  
830R4010Special Program Requirements

830R Mar0122

830R Mar0122

287 436 1043C 1287
1367 1412    



830W4010War Materiel Requirements

830W Mar0122

830W Mar0122

77 436 1043C 1287
1367 1412    


832N4030Catalog Data Support

832N Jun1024

832N Jun1024

360 360A 447 456
1135 1176 1227 1227A
1227B 1234 1254 1367
1422 1469    


841W4030Hazardous Material/Hazardous Waste (HM/HW) Profile

841W Aug2323

841W Aug2323

1131 1367 1433  


842A/R4030Standard Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) Reply

842A/R Jul2524

842A/R Jul2524

114 128 137 144
184 187 210 210B
268 311 317 322
334 353A 357 358
371 381 381A 435
448 448B 459 1043
1044 1052 1059 1066
1068 W/D 1092 1102 1126
1127 1153 1161A 1174
1181A 1203 1217 1249
1268 1310 1331A 1347
1367 1377 1377A 1404
1420 1439 1473 1476

SF 364

842A/W4030Standard Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR), Follow-up, Correction, Cancellation, & Reconsideration Request

842A/W Aug2624

842A/W Aug2624

101 114 128 137
144 174 184 187
210 210B 217 245
245B 245C 256 282
293 311 317 317A
322 334 357 358
371 381 381A 386
448 425 448B 459
466 1022 1030 1043F
1044 1052 1059 1066
1068 W/D 1092 1126 1127
1136 1153 1161A 1174
1198 1203 1217 1221
1244 1268 1310 1331
1331A 1354 1367 1374
1374A 1377 1377A 1377B
1377C 1404 1420 1439
1465 1473 1476 1439A

SF 364

842C/I4030Stock Screening Request

842C/I Jun1223

842C/I Jun1223

240 371 381 381A
1045 1161A 1367 1420


842C/R4030Stock Screening Reply

842C/R Jun1223

842C/R Jun1223 

240 371 381 381A
1045 1161A 1254 1367
1420 1439    


842P4030Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR) Data Exchange

842P Jan2324

842P Jan2324 

1007 1007A 1007B 1007C
1007D 1007E 1043C 1136
1161A 1244 1367 1412
842S/Q4030Storage Quality Control Report

842S/Q Jul2622

842S/Q Jul2622 

131 240 371 381
381A 1045 1136 1161A
1198 1254 1244 1367

DD 1225

842S/R4030Storage Quality Control Report (SQCR) Reply

842S/R Feb1221

842S/R Feb1221 

131 371 381 381A
1045 1084 1136 1367

DD 1225

846A4010Asset Reclassification

846A Jul2622

846A Jul2622 

77 155 173 249
376 376A 387 398
413 436 1043C 1136
1161A 1287 1367 1412


846C4030Disposition Category Update

846C Feb1621

846C Feb1621 

412 1013 1019 1043C
1093 1136 1234 1254


846D4010Logistics Reassignment Transfer and Decapitalization

846D Jul2622

846D Jul2622 

45 77 125 221A
260 436 1043C 1161A
1232 1367 1412 1420


846F4010Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition (SMCA) Freeze/Unfreeze Action

846F Mar0322

846F Mar0322 

77 155 249 292
249 436 1043C 1136
1254 1367 1412  


846I4010Asset Status Inquiry/ Report

846I Dec1823

846I Dec1823 

77 155 250 308
355 356 374 381
431 436 444 458
481 1043C 1136 1161A
1287 1367 1412 1420

BSS, See ADC 308
BZE, See ADC 431

846P4010Physical Inventory Request

846P Aug2123

846P Aug2123 

45 77 134 138
164 198 204 270
295 307 320 381
381A 393 436 1043C
1224A 1228 1244 1254
1287 1349 1367 1412


846R4010Location Reconciliation Request

846R Sept0324

846R Sept0324 

77 136 204 212
230 283 295 307
381 381A 436 441
445 470 1013 1019
1043C 1136 1198 1224A
1228 1230 1244 1287
1318 1367 1412 1450


846S4010Logistics Reassignment Storage Transfer/Order/Reply

846S Mar0822

846S Mar0822 

66 77 151 260
436 1043C 1254 1232
1367 1412    


8564010Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) (Wide Area Workflow - WAWF)

856 Apr1422

0098 1335 1345 1412  
856N4010Notice of Availability

856N Aug3120

856N Aug3120 

309 1043 1043C 1075
1136 1254 1287 1353
1367 1370    


856N4030Notice of Availability

856N Aug3120

856N Aug3120 

309 1043 1043C 1075
1098 1136 1287 1353
1367 1370    


856P4010Advance Shipment Notice (ASN)

856P Jul2722

856P Jul2722 

122 129 162 165
177 231 303 362
438 439 448 448B
1042 1075 1112 1113
1121 1139 1140 1136
1157A 1161A 1183 1202
1215 1254 1335 1345
1353 1367 1412 1420


856R4010Shipment Status Materiel Returns
* For upgrades and new implementation use 4030 856R below

856R Mar0822

856R Mar0822 

62 62A 436 1043C
1071 1287 1136 1353
1367 1412    


856R4030Shipment Status Materiel Returns

856R Jul1723

856R Jul1723 

241 353A 417 448
448B 1014 1043C 1071
1075 1136 1161A 1198
1244 1244B 1249 1287
1353 1367 1412 1420


856S4030Shipment Status

856S Sep1223

856S Sep1223 

127 130 165 192
193 221 221A 223
242 242A 257 284A
288 344 381 411
417 422 433 435
436 441 441A 448
448B 461 466 473A
1007 1009A 1014 1030
1043 1043A 1043B 1043C
1068 1075 1110 1132
1136 1156 1156A 1161A
1198 1244 1244B 1287
1353 1367 1399 1412
1420 1428 1433 1454

ASY/AU_ or


8574010Shipment and Billing Notice (Wide Area Workflow - WAWF)

857 May0322

1043 1345 1412  


8614010Acceptance Report (Wide Area Workflow - WAWF)

861 May0422

1335 1345 1370 1412
861P4010Acceptance Report

861P Jul2922

861P Jul2922 

132 162 165 182
208 1136 1161A 1335
1345 1367 1370 1412


867D4010Demand Reporting

867D Sep1223

867D Sep1223 

77 152 159 284A
295 325 435 436
1043 1043C 1287 1367
1370 1412 1454  

 BHJ (See ADC 325)


867I Feb1324

867I Feb1324 

77 153 165 197
201 235 259 261
271 295 341 347
373 381 381A 409
435 436 445 461
1014 1020 1043 1043A
1043B 1043C 1136 1160
1161A 1198 1198A 1207
1224A 1230A 1287 1367
1370 1383 1412 1422
1454 1464A    


869A4010Requisition Inquiry/Supply Assistance Request

869A Sep2223

869A Sep2223 

50 59 76 77
88 94 284A 304
326 377 381 388
435 1009A 1043 1043C
1068 1110 1287 1367
1383 1412 1454  


869C4010Requisition Cancellation

869C Sep2223

869C Sep2223 

59 243 263 265
285 286B 377 381
435 436 460 466
1014 1014A 1043 1043C
1068 1132 1161A 1287
1367 1420 1454  


869F4010Requisition Follow-Up

869F Mar2924

869F Mar2924 

45 53 53A 69A
75 76 77 90
186 221 221A 243
264 274 276 284A
322 328 352 359
375 377 381 381B
435 436 448 448B
466 473A 1009A 1014
1014A 1020 1023 1043
1043A 1043B 1043C 1050
1068 1075 1110 1123
1136 1161A 1176 1184
1287 1306 1307 1307A
1321 1343 1360 1367
1390 1412 1420 1454


870L4010Special Program Requirements (SPR) Status or Notification

870L Mar1522

870L Mar1522 

287 333 400 436
1043C 1267 1287 1367
1370 1412    


870M4010Materiel Returns Supply Status

870M Mar1522

870M Mar1522 

77 80 165 170
215 221 221A 274
274A 381 436 1043C
1136 1287 1367 1370


870N4010Notice of Availability Reply

870N Mar1622

870N Mar1622 

309 436 448 448B
1043C 1098 1353 1367
1370 1412    


870S4010Supply Status

870S Sep2223

870S Sep2223 

77 95 191 193
221 221A 229 274
279 284A 312 352
375 379 379A 381
388 407 436 441
441A 448 448B 455A
465 466 1009A 1014
1020 1031 1043C 1049
1068 1110 1136 1161A
1279 1287 1367 1370
1412 1420 1454  

AE_ (except AE6)

888I4010Storage Item Correction

888I Mar1722

888I Mar1722 

77 152 295 307
436 1043C 1287 1367


888W4030Weapon Systems Data Change

888W Feb0923

888W Feb0923 

111 167 167A 1043C
1367 1441    

WS1(See ADC 167)
WS3(See ADC 167)

940R4030Materiel Release

940R Aug2824

940R Aug2824 

45 48 48A 48B
71 71A 71B 76
77 117 141 169
180 197 205A 213
221 221A 254 258
274 284A 316 316A
316B 316C 316D 373
381 386 396 405
434 435 436 448
448B 463 464 466
473A 1007 1009A 1014
1020 1021 1031 1043
1043A 1043B 1043C 1073
1075 1106 1110 1132
1136 1152 1156 1156A
1161A 1164 1224B 1228
1287 1306 1307 1307A
1321 1353 1367 1378A
1379 1412 1414A 1420
1431 1454 1460 1462B
1463B 1464A 1465  



940S4030Materiel Staging Request

940S Sep2223

940S Sep2223 

401 1110 1156 1367
943A4030Warehouse Service Advice

943A May1321

943A May1321 

401 1104 1156 1367
945A4010*Materiel Release Advice
* For upgrades and new implementation use 4030 945A below

945A Feb2724

945A Feb2724 

48 48C 48D 48E
77 121 161 165
169 191 197 205A
214 221A 253 284A
316 316B 316C 316D
344 347 373 381
381A 396 405 411
435 436 449 466
1009A 1020 1034B 1040
1043 1043C 1055 1073
1110 1136 1156 1161A
1164 1207 1224A 1228
1254 1287 1353 1367
1370 1412 1420 1464A

 AE_ (AE6 only)



945A4030Materiel Release Advice

945A Feb2724

945A Feb2724 

48 48C 48D 48E
77 121 161 165
169 214 191 197
205A 221A 253 284A
316 316B 316C 316D
344 347 373 381
381A 396 405 411
435 436 449 466
1009A 1020 1034B 1040
1043 1043C 1055 1073
1110 1136 1156 1161A
1164 1198 1207 1224A
1228 1230 1244 1254
1287 1290 1353 1367
1370 1379 1412 1420
1438 1454 1462B 1463B

 AE_ (AE6 only)



947I4010Inventory Adjustment
* For upgrades and new implementation use 4030 947I below

No later than 2019, all users must migrate to version 4030 947I and stop using version 4010 947I

 947I Aug1722

947I Aug1722 

45 77 126 202
203 252 261 273
295 343 347 378
386 381A 398 402
414 435 436 443
445 461 1017 1019
1043 1043C 1136 1149
1161A 1224A 1287 1367
1370 1412 1420  



947I4030Inventory Adjustment

947I Feb2724

947I Feb2724 

45 77 156 165
202 203 214 252
261 273 295 343
347 376 378 381
381A 386 387 398
402 414 435 436
443 445 461 1017
1019 1043 1043C 1136
1149 1161A 1198 1198A
1224 1224A 1230 1244A
1244B 1287 1326 1395
1400 1412 1420 1454



9974010Functional Acknowledgement

997 Jun2424

997 Jun2424 



N/A Reply to Logistics Transfer/ Decapitlization

Eliminated from DLMS by intent



N/A Backorder

Eliminated from DLMS by intent.



N/A Contract Payment Management Report

Eliminated from DLMS by intent.



N/A Visibility Transactions 

 Reader Registration
 Visibility Response

219 296              


N/A Verification of Funds Request  
1068 328



DoDAAD XML Data Elements



N/A Verification of Funds Reply  
1068 328