DLA Energy Hall of Fame inductee honored for 50 years of fuel experience
Defense Logistics Agency Energy Commander Air Force Brig. Gen. Jimmy Canlas and Deputy Commander David Kless present an induction plaque to Paul Dupoise (center), a former logistics management specialist of DLA Energy Operations, Plans and Operations Directorate, during the 2022 DLA Energy Hall of Fame ceremony in the McNamara Auditorium, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Oct. 31, 2022. Dupoise began his service to DLA in 1987 and served the warfighter as a logistics management expert for the next 24 years. Dupoise was one of two principals driving the automated Inventory Management Plan and the Integrated Consumable Item Support tool used for computing fuel requirements for Combatant Command operations, the Bulk Petroleum Contingency Report, and the Bulk Petroleum Common Operational Picture. To this day, Dupoise’s efforts guide DLA Energy’s processes. Photo by DLA photographer Chris Lynch