August 16 Building 20 Buckeye Room
OSHA Safe + Sound Safety Campaign is sponsored by DLA L&M Safety and Occupational Health Division. This event is part of a nationwide campaign to raise awareness and understanding of the value of safety and health programs that include management leadership, worker participation and finding and fixing hazards in workplaces.
Local safety organizations will be available during lunch 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. providing interactive information, activities to engage associates and free educational items to impart safety messages. Highlights include a challenging driving simulator, drunk goggles and a balance plate to check your balance.
Featuring the Safety Office
Safety Tools - How Safety Gets the Job Done!: Demonstrate safety electrical equipment, resource books, and personal protective gear.
Office Equipment Safety: Demonstrate safety devices of paper cutter, scissors, stapler, and printer ink cartridge and printer.
Ergonomics: How to work properly to prevent repetitive stress injury.
Industrial Hygiene: Industrial Hygiene Demonstration - How it fits into your daily life.
Safety Guest Organizations
American Red Cross: Swim safety, tornado safety, fire safety and disaster preparedness.
Franklin County Safe Communities: Distracted/Impaired driving simulator. Motor skill games played while wearing Impairment Goggles (goggles that you wear to simulate drunkenness). Games will be corn hole, ladder toss and hyper toss.
Grainger: Electrical safety for the layman
Motorcycle Ohio: Motorcycle safety and educational items
Mount Carmel Hospital Falls and Balance Program: Will calculate balance with a Balance Plate machine and provide information on fall prevention.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources Watercrafts Division: Meet an ODNR Ranger Officer and try on life jackets for boating safety.
Wright Patterson, 88th Air Base Wing, Public Health, Medical Center-Food Safety: How to prepare food and prevent food borne illnesses
*No government endorsement intended.