Program managers for the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program and Defense Supply Center Columbus’ Family Advocacy Program joined forces to host a combined Sip (Tea) ‘n Paint event to educate the defense federal community and provide resource materials on sexual violence and child abuse prevention topics.
The April 12 event at the installation’s Byus Community Center marked the first joint event between the two programs and included a guided painting session along with tea and refreshments. Attendees painted pinwheels and teal ribbons in a show of support for both the April observances of Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.
DLA Land and Maritime Deputy Commander Kenneth Watson welcomed participants, saying, “I’m a lifelong civil servant, and what we do within the government to provide response and services to our employees is something you don’t find outside the gate.”
Watson encouraged DSCC employees to use the various programs available to them should the need arise including the SARC, FAP and the Employee Assistance Program.
He added, “This is how we take care of our people. And that’s not just in the good times. The real test is when things aren’t going well and the stress is high.”
Following his remarks, attendees donned the provided plastic aprons and participated in the painting activity led by Sexual Assault Response Coordinator Shari Murnahan and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Family Advocacy Program Manager Michiel Devito. Final artwork was left to dry and be photographed before being taken home as a souvenir of the day.
The painting event served as a launch for the rest of the month’s activities. Both programs will continue to offer events including a Pinwheel Parade, virtual Teal Ribbon Relay, Teal Tuesdays and Denim Day.
“Awareness events like the Sip (Tea) ‘n Paint are impactful because they focus community attention on topics like child abuse,” Devito said. “These events serve as force multipliers because community members that might not be directly impacted by topics of violence have their awareness raised to the issue and we can educate them on resources available.”
For more information on the Family Advocacy Program, click here.
For more information regarding sexual assault and reporting options contact your SARC at 614-692-8846 or the DLA SAPR 24/7 hotline at 1-800-841-0937.
To reach out to the Employee Assistance Program, click here.