William Cochran, a former Defense Logistics Agency Energy Supervisory Quality Assurance Specialist took a walk down memory lane to share how his federal service career began and culminated with retirement after more than 40 years of service to the nation.
Cochran recalled how he got hurt at school, changing the trajectory of his career path. “It started when I broke my back playing basketball in college and my father said, ‘It's time for you to go to work, son,’ “he said. “I told my dad, not yet, with hope that I would eventually return to playing basketball.”
With both of Cochran’s parents having served and retired from naval service, his father encouraged him to seek employment opportunities at the naval shipyards and the refinery. It was in 1979 that his federal career began as a Marine Machinist Apprentice with the Long Beach, California, Naval Shipyard for six years, followed by 18 years with the Defense Contract Management Agency, where he deployed to Bosnia, Croatia.
“During my time in Bosnia, I was recruited by the Defense Energy Support Command for a three-year tour in Wiesbaden, Germany,” said Cochran. After my three-year tour turned into 11 years, the DLA Energy Deputy Commander–Patrick Dulin at the time told me that he had a perfect place for me at the Fort Belvoir, Virginia, headquarters. However, I wanted to stay closer to home on the West Coast. I was informed of a position in San Pedro, California, where I would have to take a downgrade. In 2011, I gladly accepted the position with DLA Energy Americas West where I had the opportunity to work with long-time friends while being located near loved ones until my retirement nearly four months ago.”
Now in the early stages of retirement, Cochran shared his overarching experience of having been part of the DLA Energy workforce for 13 years.
“One of the key things in life is the importance of relationships and the relationships that I’ve developed both with my coworkers, my superiors, the contractors, and the warfighters is the most valuable part of my time with the agency,” he explained. “My 11 years of travel for missions was amazing. I was fortunate to go to Europe, Africa, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Despite the challenge missions can pose, I enjoyed being amongst warfighters and soldiers.”
Cochran said it is surreal to reminisce about missions where he was in a bunker because of incoming rounds flying by or finding excitement and adventure from hearing and seeing warfighters barely in their 20’s talk strategy with each other who put their lives on the line when going outside the wire.
Cochran went on, describing what he believed contributed to him reaching retirement. “I had a lot of mentors over my time and people who have believed in me,” he said. Maybe at times they saw possibilities and potential in me that I didn't even recognize or see.”
Cochran credits George Atwood, Michael Koury, and Annie Koury for their mentorship that inspired his work philosophy and enhanced his passion for helping others.
“Retirement is still a bit of an adjustment, but leisure time and restful nights of sleep are enjoyable,” said Cochran.” “I’ve also realized I miss collaborating in a team environment and taking on tasks with a group of individuals to reach successful outcomes. The people, relationships built, being part of high-performing teams are things I will always miss about the workforce.”
Another remarkable aspect of Cochran’s retirement is his return to DLA where he was honored by the DLA Director, Army Lt. Gen. Mark Simerly during the agency’s 57th Annual Employee Recognition Ceremony at the McNamara Headquarters Complex at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
“To be recognized for a second time during my time with DLA is surprising and humbling,” said Cochran. “I was in disbelief when the DLA Energy Americas West commander, Anas Maazouzi informed me of the nomination for the DLA Ten Outstanding Personnel of the Year award. I accepted the award on behalf of all the people that have made me successful each year of my career. It was also a blessing to share the occasion with friends that traveled here with me from California.”
After the awards ceremony, Cochran was presented with a retirement letter from the DLA director that was engraved on a gold plate encased inside of a glass and wooden frame. In the letter, the DLA director congratulated Cochran on his retirement from federal service after a remarkable 45-year career. He also commended Cochran for his selfless service, faith, and devotion to the Department of Defense and DLA’s support of warfighters and the nation.
“I want to thank everybody that's played a part in raising me, inspiring me, knocking me down and helping get me get back up during my career,” Cochran added. When I look back, I’ve had a great support system every step of the way and I have the Department of Defense and its people to thank for that.”