

Animal Disposal Regulations
DoDM 4160.21 Vol4 Page 23

Turn-In Instructions

Live animals unsuitable for military use will normally be euthanized by proper authorities:

  • To terminate suffering from diseases, injury, or permanent physical disability
  • To prevent spread of contagious disease
  • When they are not fit to work because of incurable disease
  • When they are vicious or unmanageable

Disposal of Animals

Live animals (except canines) excess to military needs, or unsuitable for military use for reasons other than those listed in paragraph 8a of this enclosure may be disposed of by:

  • Transfer to other DoD Components or Federal Government agencies
  • Donation or sale
  • Other disposition

Law Enforcement Canines

To include sentry and scout dogs, excess to military needs may be disposed of by:

  • Direct donation to experienced handlers
  • Issue or transfer to other DoD Components, FCAs, or law enforcement activities (LEAs). Section 2576a of Reference (g) authorized the transfer of excess DoD property to State and federal agencies in execution of LEAs to include counterdrug and counterterrorism missions
  • Donation to LEAs (State or municipal) through the State agency for surplus property (SASP)
  • Donation or sale to other persons with the capability to handle these trained animals
  • Euthanasia by proper authorities as a last resort if all other options are unavailable

Deceased Animals

Deceased animals will be disposed of by the generating activity


Cages or other holding devices associated with animals must be cleaned and sanitized before transfer to DLA Disposition Services sites.


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DD Form 1348-1a


The DD Form 1348-1A the most important document when interacting with DLA Disposition Services. It serves as the receipt for property turned in, and is an important record for auditability. 

Learn how to complete a DDForm-1348-1A .