Body Armor


Body Armor Disposal Regulations
DoDM 4160.21 Vol4 Page 59

Turn-In Instructions

All Army body armor turn-ins including ceramic plates will be turned into the supporting Central Issue Facility (CIF) or Supply Support Activity (SSA) for classification and final disposition prior to shipment to DLA Disposition Services.

Interceptor Body Armor (IBA) is composed of the Outer Tactical Vest/Improved Outer Tactical Vest (OTV/IOTV), the Small Arms Protective Inserts/Enhanced Small Arms Protective Inserts and ceramic plates (SAPI/ESAPI), and the IBA components.

Body Armor components include but are not limited to: ballistic collars, throat protectors, groin protectors, wing assemblies, yoke assembly, cable release assembly, and Deltoid Auxiliary (brand name) Protectors (DAP), Enhanced-Side Ballistic Inserts (E-SBI).


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DD Form 1348-1a


The DD Form 1348-1A the most important document when interacting with DLA Disposition Services. It serves as the receipt for property turned in, and is an important record for auditability. 

Learn how to complete a DDForm-1348-1A .