Office of the Inspector General

About the Office of the Inspector General

  • To conduct Inspector General Investigations in DLA matters where no Defense Criminal Investigative Organization (DCIO) has primary jurisdiction, or has declined investigative authority.
  • To conduct Trade Security Control Assessments and Post Sale Investigations.
  • To maintain records of Inspector General Investigations within DLA.
  • To manage the DLA Enterprise Hotline Program and act as liaison with the Defense Hotline Program.
  • To establish and maintain liaison with DoD, federal, state, local and foreign law enforcement and investigative organizations.
  • To conduct analysis to identify possible criminal patterns and trends.
  • To conduct internal audits in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) to ensure programs are working as designed, financial information meets established criteria, proper internal controls are in place and working, and proper financial stewardship is upheld.
  • To facilitate and monitor audits performed within DLA by external government auditing organizations.
  • To track completion of corrective actions recommended by internal and external audits to ensure deficiencies are corrected.
  • To provide advice to DLA management to improve efficiency, accountability and program effectiveness.
  • To reduce risk by implementing a risk-based internal audit and Crime Vulnerability Assessment (CVA) program.

DLA has a critical mission, supporting the nation’s warfighters. The DLA OIG’s role in that mission is to assist DLA management in making informed decisions to use resources effectively and efficiently, by:

  • Providing impartial and unbiased findings and recommendations
  • Facilitating a crime-free work environment for DLA employees and contractors, and
  • Identifying and mitigating crime conducive conditions and risk.
  • Decreasing direct material costs
  • Decreasing operating costs
  • Reducing inventory
  • Improving customer service
  • Achieving audit readiness

About Trade Security Controls 

Trade Security Controls (TSC) prevent illegal acquisition, exportation or other unauthorized transfers of defense and dual-use technology, goods, services and munitions into areas whose interests are adverse to the United States. Areas that have been designated by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Commerce, or the Director of Foreign Assets Control. 

Trade Security Control Activities

  • Activities include performing clearance checks on bidders prior to delivery of property 
  • Performing post-sale investigations
  • Monitoring of property after delivery

Investigations Division conducts related criminal investigations pertaining to the worldwide sales of surplus property by DLA Disposition Services.

Trade Security Controls Location

Trade Security Controls: Battle Creek, Michigan

Audit Division

The DLA OIG Audit Division (AD) is the command assurance activity that performs independent internal audits conforming to the following guidance:

  • Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) and Department of Defense Inspector General (DOD IG) requirements.
  • DLAI 7601.01, Internal Audit Process published February 2023.

In executing this mission, the Audit Division performs the following functions:

  • Conduct operational and financial related audits by focusing on the internal controls, the design and effectiveness of programs, and financial stewardship.
  • Provide detailed analysis and systemic evaluation support to complex investigations.
  • Conduct inspections in lieu of audit when appropriate or timeframe demands expediency.
  • Publish an annual Audit Plan (guide) in October each FY that covers a two-year horizon.

To suggest or request audits, contact the office of the Deputy Inspector General for Auditing at 571-767-5440.

Investigations Division

The DLA OIG Investigations Division (ID) investigates matters of interest to the DLA director, DLA senior leadership, and the DLA Office of the General Counsel, including allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, allegations of other crimes, and allegations of misconduct, that affect DLA. The ID goals are to discover the truth; to identify and mitigate agency risk; to improve processes; and to protect and preserve resources. Teaching and Training is integrated into every part of the ID mission.

Contact Us

  click to access Inspector General Hotline Form

Access the DLA Hotline Form

Your complaint may not receive a thorough investigation or may not be investigated due to lack of information or no point of contact to request needed additional information. In the event you choose to remain anonymous and additional information is needed to conduct a thorough investigation, contact us via our Hotline Program.

Contact OIG

Office Location Phone Number Fax
Defense Logistics Agency 8725 John J. Kingman Road
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6221
 571-767-5440  571-767-5474

Contact Audit Divisions

Office Location Phone Number 
Defense Logistics Agency Fort Belvoir, VA 571-767-6263
DLA Aviation Richmond, VA 804-279-4983
DLA Disposition Services Battle Creek, MI 269-961-5422
DLA Land and Maritime Columbus, OH 269-961-5422
DLA Troop Support Philadelphia, PA 215-737-4606
DLA Distribution New Cumberland, PA 269-961-5422
DLA Energy Fort Belvoir, VA 571-767-6263

Contact Investigations Division: 

Defense Logistics Agency-Office of Inspector General: Office: 571-767-5440


To request assistance or file a complaint: 

Please contact the ​Defense Logistics Agency-Office of Inspector General Hotline at 1-800-411-9127, or


Mr. William Rigby
Inspector General, Defense Logistics Agency

Mr. Steven Pigott
Deputy Inspector General Audit Division, Defense Logistics Agency

Mr. Jerry Unruh
Deputy Inspector General Investigations Division, Defense Logistics Agency

Mr. Andrew 'Dutch' Duszynski
Deputy Inspector General Operations, Defense Logistics Agency