DLA Official Forms

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Form Information

Category Details
Form Number: DLA1474
Form Title: Defense Logistics Agency Preappointment Security Check
Form Version: Dec 2021
Status: Active
Functional Area: Intelligence
Opr: DI
Safeguards: PII, CUI
Electronic: Yes
Form Link: Documents/FormsSite/forms/DL1474.pdf
Type: Primary
Prescribed: DLAI 5200.02
Description: Form is used to determine whether or not an individual is eligible to occupy a sensitive position. The form has been updated to show CUI markings.
Records Retention: 1402.31 Pre-appointment Files: Background Investigation or Vetting of Prospective Employee-Copies of Records included in Job Vacancy Case File. Forward to appropriate security office after prospective employee enters on duty, declines appointment, or is no longer a candidate.
Form Audience: DLA Intelligence and DLA Human Resources