DLA Official Forms

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Form Information

Category Details
Form Number: DLA2006
Form Title: Bunker Delivery Note
Form Version: Canceled
Status: Canceled
Functional Area: Energy
Opr: Energy - FEQB
Safeguards: none
Electronic: Yes
Form Link:
Type: Primary
Prescribed: Memorandum - Annotation of Bunker Delivery note per MARPOL Regulations (1 JAN 2015)
Description: THIS FORM IS CANCELED AS A RESULT OF THE 2020 FORMS SURVEY ON DLA-LEVEL FORMS. Form was used as a record that the fuel at a specific receiving point meets specific requirements.
Records Retention: 5300.10 - Unscheduled. Do not destroy until scheduled with NARA. Recommendation made to OPR to draft record series under new Schedule 4180 with a retention of 3 years based on 40 CFR40 CFR 80.597(c), 80.580, 80.581, 80.583-80.586, 80.602, and 1043.80
Form Audience: