DLA Official Forms

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Form Information

Category Details
Form Number: DLA1866
Form Title: Supervisor - Employee Checklist
Form Version: AUG 2022
Status: Active
Functional Area: Human Resources
Opr: J1
Safeguards: none
Electronic: Yes
Form Link: Documents/FormsSite/forms/DL1866.pdf
Type: Primary
Prescribed: DLAI 7212
Description: This checklist is designed to ensure that the teleworker and supervisor are properly oriented to the polices and procedures of the Telework Program. Regarding duplicate use case, (ref, DLAI 7750.07, Paragraph 10b), DoD FMO authorizes DLA use of this form as a supplemental form DD Form 2946.
Records Retention: c8120.11.01 EAGLE - Telework/Alternate Worksite Program. Temporary. Delete 1 year after end of employee’s participation in the program, or after superseded form becomes obsolete. (GRS 2.3, Item 081 (DAA-GRS-2015-0007-0022)oming soon
Form Audience: