DLA Official Forms

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Form Information

Category Details
Form Number: DLA1875
Form Title: Request for Waiver of Preappointment Investigative Requirements (PIR) - Noncritical Positions
Form Version: Canceled
Status: Canceled
Functional Area: Intelligence
Opr: DI
Safeguards: PA Warning, Collects Full SSN, FOUO when filled in
Electronic: Yes
Form Link:
Type: Primary
Prescribed: DLAI 4314
Description: THIS FORM NO LONGER SERVES A MISSION NEED. The process was replaced by determining interim eligibility which requires no forms. (Form was used to waive the preappointment investigative requirements in cases where an emergency situation exits and the delay in appointment would be harmful to the national security.)
Records Retention: 3300.30 Personnel Security Folders: Upon separation or transfer to a non DLA organization. 3300.32 Personnel Security Folders: Upon transfer to another DLA activity.
Form Audience: DLA