DLA Official Forms

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Form Information

Category Details
Form Number: DLA1963
Form Title: DLA Sexual Assault Incident Response Oversight Report
Form Version: Aug 2017
Status: Active
Functional Area: Human Resources
Opr: J1
Safeguards: none
Electronic: Yes
Form Link: Documents/FormsSite/forms/DL1963.pdf
Type: Primary
Prescribed: DLAI 6495.02
Description: This form will be completed for each new report of sexual assault within DLA. It is designed to ensure that all relevant information is considered and gathered, and exclude all unnecessary or confidential information. The completed form will be sent with the CCIR for each incident.
Records Retention: 5010.19 SITREP Files - Retention: Destroy 2 years after no further action is required or when no longer needed for reference, whichever is later
Form Audience: