DLA Official Forms

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Form Information

Category Details
Form Number: DLA2062
Form Title: Fuel Request for Commissioning
Form Version: Feb 2021
Status: Active
Functional Area: Energy
Opr: Energy
Safeguards: None
Electronic: Yes
Form Link: Documents/FormsSite/forms/DL2062.pdf
Type: Primary
Prescribed: DoD Manual 4140.25 Vol 7 and DLA Energy P-15
Description: The purpose of this form is to track the required steps to submit, approve and reconcile Defense Working Capital Fund fuel used to test and or commission a new or newly renovated fuel facility and to notify requester of the cost for fuel lost or consumed during the process.
Records Retention: 4200.34 Energy Market Research Files. Temporary. Cutoff at end of FY. Destroy after 10 years. Pending NARA approval.
Form Audience: DLA Energy