DLA Official Forms

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Form Information

Category Details
Form Number: DLA2549
Form Title: Monthly Completeness Inventory Worksheet
Form Version: Nov 2023
Functional Area: Disposition Services
Opr: Inventory Branch
Safeguards: None
Electronic: Yes
Form Link: Documents/FormsSite/forms/DL2549.pdf
Type: Prescribed
Prescribed: SOP 4160.01-026
Description: There is no other current GSA, DoD, or DLA form for this use case. This modification does not change the underlying data structure or alter the original use case of the form. Added block for WMS. Form used to complete a recurring monthly inventory process. Providing consistent and repeatable EM for record retention of the Monthly Completeness Inventory as outlined in the DLA SOP 4160.01-026 Inventory Creation and Management. Wet signatures required.
Records Retention: 4160.04 Property Accountability. Cutoff at end of CY. Destroy after 3 years. Pending NARA approval
Form Audience: