DLA Official Forms

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Form Information

Category Details
Form Number: DLA2507
Form Title: Application for Qualified Facility List (QFL)
Form Version: Nov 2023
Status: Active
Functional Area: Disposition Services
Opr: OSH
Safeguards: None
Electronic: Yes
Form Link: Documents/FormsSite/forms/DL2507.pdf
Type: Prescribed
Prescribed: DLAI 4160.01
Description: There is no current GSA, DoD, or DLA form for this use case. This form will be used by contractors/companies to gain access to the Governments Qualified Facilities List (QFL). Application/s (New or Renewal) are submitted to DLA Disposition Services Environmental Vetting Office (OSH) for review/approval. Hazardous waste (HW) contractors may only dispose of HW at facilities that have been reviewed and approved by DLA and appear on the QFL. The HW contract directs the use of the QFL by the contractor.
Records Retention: 4700.22 Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDF). Cutoff at end of Event. Destroy 50 years after termination of facility. DAA-0361-2021-0011-0017
Form Audience: DLA