
DLA Headquarters News

June 24, 2024

Acquisition professionals learn new skills from UNC faculty, industry

A two-week program that provides advanced training on private-sector business practices is empowering DLA acquisition professionals to change thought patterns and apply risk-based decision-making to current and future problems.

June 21, 2024

Consumable item growth at DLA: From 67% to ‘Almost All’

DLA's management of consumable items rose from 39% of the military’s expendable inventory in 1962 to 67% three decades later due to steady accretion and one massive transfer. The same pattern occurred on an accelerated timeline over the next decade and a half.

June 20, 2024

Consumable item growth at DLA: From 39% to 67%

DLA has managed consumables such as blankets, fuel and photographic film since receiving seven commodity supply centers in 1962. This two-part series details the agency's growing responsibility for consumable items through history.

June 18, 2024

DLA logistics operations director retires after 35 years of service

Navy Rear Adm. Doug Noble Jr., the Defense Logistics Agency’s director of logistics operations and commander of joint regional command support, celebrated the end of 35 years of active-duty service during a retirement ceremony June 14 in the McNamara Headquarters Complex Auditorium.

June 13, 2024

DLA celebrates Army’s 249th birthday

Employees of the Defense Logistics Agency and its tenant organizations gathered in the McNamara Headquarters Complex Auditorium to celebrate the Army’s 249th birthday with a cake-cutting ceremony June 12.

June 10, 2024

DLA director to industry: Change in sustainment is imminent

The military services are undergoing an intense transformation that requires DLA and industry to think, act and operate differently, DLA’s director told industry association leaders June 6.

June 6, 2024

Army/DLA Service Day focuses on future support

Army and civilian logistics leaders met to discuss Army transformation and methods for meeting future demands in a contested geopolitical environment May 22 at Defense Logistics Agency Headquarters.

June 6, 2024

DLA, DSCA discuss information sharing at Foreign Military Sales Summit

A Foreign Military Sales Summit brought together stakeholders from the operational and financial communities to address audit processes May 16 at Defense Logistics Agency Headquarters.

June 5, 2024

Coast Guard to provide liaison officer to DLA

DLA's director of logistics operations and the commander of the Coast Guard Operational Logistics Command signed an agreement to place a Coast Guard liaison officer with the Whole-of-Government Division.

May 24, 2024

AANHPI panelists share culture, heritage impact on careers

The benefits of embracing diverse experiences were at the forefront of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month panel May 21.

May 23, 2024

Agency celebrates 2024 DLA Hall of Fame Inductees

DLA Director Army Lt. Gen. Mark Simerly hosted the event in which five former Defense Logistics Agency employees were inducted. Simerly not only thanked the inductees for their past contributions, he placed heavy emphasis on the need to innovate now more than ever before due to adversarial challenges in every domain, and at every level of war.

Fort Belvoir, Va. May 21, 2024

DLA leader goes to school with eye on the future

Defense Logistics Agency’s Chief Information Officer is spearheading the effort to recruit talent to the agency by bridging the gap between the Department of Defense and higher institutions.

May 17, 2024

Agency’s culture and data opportunities highlighted at director’s town hall

An emphasis on data and culture were common themes through Defense Logistics Agency Director Army Lt. Gen Mark Simerly’s first global town hall May 16.

May 15, 2024

2024 DLA Hall of Fame inductee: Kenneth Winslette

Over the last 40-years, America’s warfighter approach to mission success via readiness has drastically changed to meet the demands of complex deployment settings. To keep pace, the Defense Logistics Agency leverages the experience and innovation of leaders like Kenneth Winslette, a 2024 DLA Hall of Fame member and legendary contractor according to his peers.

May 14, 2024

DLA Takes Action: LTG Simerly Addresses Culture Survey Feedback

Army Lt. Gen. Mark Simerly, director, Defense Logistics Agency, addresses next steps after analyzing employee data from the 2023 DLA Culture Survey and Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey.