
DLA Aviation News

Archive: 2021

Dec. 29, 2021

Shop service centers recognized for outstanding support to Oklahoma Air Logistics Center

Defense Logistics Agency Aviation at Oklahoma Commander Air Force Col. Jason Kalin recognized employees in his shop service centers in September for their outstanding support of the Air Force’s Air Logistics Center on Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma.

Dec. 27, 2021

DLA Aviation’s Captains of Industry contract success leads to follow-on award

Defense Logistics Agency Aviation’s Captains of Industry contract with Boeing was renewed Oct. 29 for up to 15 years. The renewal updates contracting clauses, improves processes and tracking capabilities at the program level, while maintaining shorten administrative-lead times for contract award by pre-negotiating base terms like performance, type of funding and packaging.

Dec. 22, 2021

DLA Aviation employees come through in a big way for annual Marine Corps Toys for Tots drive

Remember how happy we were as kids, waking up on Christmas day and seeing bicycles, skateboards, doll babies, train sets and other toys underneath our Christmas trees?

Dec. 21, 2021

Highly recognized leader and subject matter expert awarded DLA Aviation September Leadership Award

Christy Crumpler, branch chief in the Industrial Plant Equipment Services Division in the Engineering Directorate at Defense Logistics Agency Aviation in Richmond, Virginia, was awarded the DLA Aviation Leadership Award for September.

Dec. 17, 2021

DLA Aviation instrumental in returning the Air Force B-1B to its bomber fleet

Over the past several years, there have been documented incidents of the Air Force’s B-1B bombers experiencing in-flight engine issues. The problems occurred when an unsafe part in the augmenter fuel filter housing on its F101 engines failed.

Dec. 15, 2021

DLA Aviation and Distribution representation at the 16th Luther G. Jones Army Aviation Depot Forum

Key Defense Logistics Agency Aviation and DLA Distribution Corpus Christi, Texas, leaders attended the 16th Luther G. Jones Army Aviation Depot Forum Dec. 7 and 8.

Dec. 14, 2021

Employees bring cheer through DLA Aviation Angel Tree program

Employees on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, donned their wings again this year to provide gifts for local families through the Angel Tree program.

Dec. 13, 2021

Safety is paramount during the holidays

Holiday safety should be a priority from late November to mid-January. This is a time when families gather, parties are scheduled, and travel plans are on the rise. When it comes to the festive season, there are many safety and security concerns to take into consideration.

Dec. 9, 2021

DSCR holiday season officially kicks off with tree lighting

The holiday season kicked off on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, Dec. 7.

Dec. 8, 2021

DLA welcomes new Family Advocacy Program manager

Defense Logistics Agency Installation Management Richmond welcomed Rhiannon Jackson, the family advocacy program manager in Security and Emergency Services, for DLA Installation Management Richmond on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, on September 16.

Dec. 6, 2021

DLA Aviation employees do big things in September

Dylan Brock, a customer support specialist with Defense Logistics Agency Aviation at Ogden on Hill Air Force Base, Utah and John Villanueva, a logistics management specialist with DLA Aviation at Jacksonville, Florida, were selected as Defense Logistics Agency Aviation’s Employees of the Month for September. Villanueva won in the general schedule (GS) 10-13 category. Brock took the award in the GS 1-9 category.

Dec. 3, 2021

Employee Spotlight: Jordan Willis

Employee spotlight regularly features outstanding non-supervisory personnel from throughout the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation and other DLA employees on Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia. Organizational directors may submit names of employees they wish to feature in this column to DLA Aviation Public Affairs. For more information, call (804) 279-3139.

Nov. 29, 2021

Oklahoma City commander thanks employees for their years of service

Air Force Col. Jason Kalin took command of DLA Aviation at Oklahoma City in August and said he was excited to be a part of the team noting their strong work ethic and dedication. From September to October, Kalin reached to out to 61 employees to recognize their length of service and outstanding performance.

Nov. 24, 2021

Local shelter gives thanks for DSCR generosity

Defense Supply Center Richmond employees and local organization Home Again Shelter have partnered this year to gather a cornucopia of donations for a Thanksgiving Food Drive. The workforce donated Thanksgiving meal items, which Home Again Shelter employees used to create meal kits for families in need throughout the Greater Richmond, Virginia, region.

Nov. 23, 2021

Senior leader conference focuses on supply chain priorities and future opportunities

Senior leaders from across Defense Logistics Agency Aviation discussed the agency’s fiscal 2022 operational setting and its impact on the aviation supply chain when they met in Richmond, Virginia, Nov. 16-17.