The Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support was presented with the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve “Above and Beyond Award” October 7, in Philadelphia for support of their full-time employees who are also National Guard and Reserve military members.
The award, presented by ESGR’s Pennsylvania Chair Emeritus retired Army Maj. Gen. Wesley Craig, was received by DLA Troop Support Deputy Commander Richard Ellis, who expressed his thanks on behalf of the organization.
“We appreciate it,” Ellis said. “We have a large number of former, retired or resigned military personnel, and a large contingent of reservists. And I often, as much as I can … say that this workforce has some of the hardest working, dedicated, patriotic employees that I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.”
The organization was nominated for the ESGR Freedom Award, and though it did not make the final cut for national recognition at that level, Craig said, it was “so strong” in terms of command climate and support to guardsman and reservists, that the state board convened to provide recognition.
“Certainly DLA [Troop Support] here … is very supportive of the Guard and Reserve,” Craig said. “So I want to say thank you, on behalf of … all of us that serve in the Guard and Reserve.”
Ellis also mentioned that not only leaders, but the workforce-at-large understand the support to military members as evidenced in the organization’s climate and culture survey, where employees provide feedback on the overall mission and work climate.
“What do we do best … by far and wide, is support the warfighter,” Ellis said.