Over the course of 2024, the Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services Contracting directorate achieved multiple high-level achievements that furthered the agency’s mission of supporting the warfighter. Reverse logistics avenues such as the reutilization, transfer and donation program; public sales; and hazardous waste removal programs, among others, were part of the successful year for the Contracting team.
One of the most recent accomplishments is the successful execution of this year’s Industry Day. This was an offsite event featuring various hazardous waste contractors who were able to interact with multiple DLA staff members to discuss concerns and address any issues with the goal of using engaging interactions between the contracting community and DLA staff to improve overall operations.
“The goal really is to leverage experiences and expertise to become more agile and further align with the four P’s – people, precision, posture, and partnerships,” said Contracting Director Tracy Hart. “We’re always looking to increase competition and awareness of the Disposition Services mission and how we support the warfighter through acquisitions.”
Throughout this event there were opportunities for contractors to break off and personally interact with DLA staff. This was a relatively new approach to the Industry Day and an example of the agency transforming and adapting to meet the needs of customers.
“We’re constantly evolving and changing as an agency,” said Procurement Analyst Earl Watson – a primary organizer of the event. “I want our customers to feel that we addressed all the issues they brought up, whether that’s regarding payments or further clarification on a contracting process. As long as we hit on what the vendors were looking for, I think that’s the biggest marker of success for this event.”
The event was well attended, even garnering an appearance from DLA Director Lt. Gen. Mark Simerly, who earlier addressed the DLA Disposition Services workforce during a town hall where he stressed the importance of the role contracting plays within the overall DLA mission.
“Contracting was responsible for 92,000 requisitions processed by your RTD team, from 3.5 million items that represented $1.6 million that otherwise would have gone by the wayside,” said Simerly. “Instead, we were able to get those items back out into the fight. This is a really significant amount of work, and it gives you an idea of the magnitude of the work you do for our nation.”
When discussing the hazardous waste mission, Hart went into further detail as to how much work goes into each and every task order that comes in.
“Our hazardous waste team had a record number of task orders,” said Hart. “Each task order is really like a little mini standalone contract and it’s critical that we submit these requests quickly so that waste can be removed by the contractor.”
Due to the detail-orientated nature of the contracting field, it is vital that each member of the staff is well versed and knowledgeable. For this reason, the team also spent a lot of time both developing and attending various trainings throughout the year. One example of this is the in-person state point of contact training held multiple times throughout the year. The importance of continual training opportunities is something Hart believes in, and she wants to ensure others feel it is worthwhile.
“Educating our team and providing better training and tools for our staff is something I strongly believe in,” said Hart. “I don’t want training to serve as just checking a box. I want it to truly be meaningful for our people.”
The contracting team was also heavily involved in additional supplemental training for the Warehouse Management System that was essential to the successful rollout of the new platform across the agency. DLA Disposition Services also conducted a series of activities to maximize opportunities for small and small disadvantaged businesses, including on-site visits, training events, industry days, and conferences.
Going forward into the upcoming year, Hart reflected on her team’s accomplishments and the ways she hopes to further support the warfighter in 2025.
“I’m very proud of my team,” said Hart. “They are so resilient. Their ability to tackle challenges and collaborate is second to none. I’m just looking forward to seeing the flexibility and growth of my staff as we overcome new challenges and continue to hone our craft to support the warfighter.”