
DLA Troop Support News

Archive: April, 2019

April 30, 2019

Future supervisors learn skills, concepts during Leadership Academy

The Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support held its fifth Leadership Academy to teach leadership skills, concepts and practices April 23-25.

April 29, 2019

Troop Support retirees honored for nearly 100 years of combined service

Three employees serving over a century of cumulative years of federal service were honored by the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support at a retirement ceremony April 25 in Philadelphia. DLA Troop Support Deputy Commander Richard Ellis presided over the ceremony and thanked the employees, Industrial Hardware quality assurance specialist Michael Newell, Construction and Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment Division Chief Susan Paul and C&E Move and Store Division Chief Susanne McHale, for their contributions to the agency.

April 26, 2019

Awareness walk culminates Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

Clad in teal shirts emblazoned with the Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention logo, more than 200 Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support and fellow Naval Support Activity Philadelphia tenant employees walked a mile in support of SAAP month April 23 in Philadelphia. The “wave of teal,” as NSA-P’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program manager Navy Chief Petty Officer Felipe Vazquez called it, moved across the installation in a display of support for victims and dedication to the eradication of sexual assault, culminating a month of activities with the same SAPR focus.

April 26, 2019

C & E employee learns resiliency and dogsledding in subzero weather conditions

It’s not common for someone to volunteer to spend a week in subzero temperatures without a cabin, heat or cot just to learn dogsledding. Geoffrey Dominessy, a contracting officer with the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support Construction and Equipment supply chain, did just that in February in Northern Minnesota.

April 25, 2019

Biomedical engineers provide confidence, support to capital equipment customers

As part of the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support Medical supply chain’s Capital Equipment Division, biomedical engineers make sure customers purchase the right equipment, for the right reason, at the right price.

April 19, 2019

DLA provides religious support items in time for celebrations across the globe

DLA provided ecclesiastical or religious items to service members around the globe in time to celebrate Ash Wednesday, Passover, Palm Sunday and Easter holidays this year.

April 16, 2019

Air Force medical officer ‘knows it’s time’ to end 20-year career

Air Force Lt. Col. Roger Willis ended his 20 years of military service during a retirement ceremony at the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support April 12.

April 15, 2019

Industrial Hardware does their part to keep B-52 engines running

Imagine ordering parts for a major auto repair shop that supplies hardware to maintain engines for 76 vehicles. Although it’s 2019, the newest vehicle in the fleet was built in 1962. Each of those 76 vehicles have eight engines, and their ability to operate is critical to national security. This is a job that some of the employees at the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support’s Industrial Hardware supply chain perform every day in supporting the sustainability of the TF33 engines that power the Air Force’s B-52 Stratofortress, the service’s self-proclaimed “backbone of the manned strategic bomber force,” according to the Air Force’s B-52 fact sheet.

April 12, 2019

Holocaust survivor shares story of pain and triumph during Days of Remembrance program

Holocaust survivor shares story of pain and triumph during Days of Remembrance program.

April 9, 2019

Humanitarian course keeps Troop Support employees ready for USAID operations

The Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support hosted the Joint Humanitarian Operations Course led by the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance in Philadelphia April 2-3.

April 8, 2019

Medical strengthens its partnership with VA to support military, veteran health care

The partnership between the Defense Logistics Agency and the Veterans Affairs continues to grow as the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center begins using the Medical supply chain’s Medical/Surgical Prime Vendor program.

April 5, 2019

Troop Support welcomes new PaCE employees

The Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support Commander Army Brig. Gen. Mark Simerly welcomed new Pathways to Career Excellence employees March 4 in Philadelphia.

April 5, 2019

DLA Troop Support’s PTC Analytical hosts tours, promotes knowledge

The Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support Product Test Center Analytical hosted tours for DLA Headquarters counsel and junior Navy sailors April 3 in Philadelphia. The event helped educate partners and customers on the scientific testing employees do in support of the warfighter.

April 4, 2019

Memories of dirty boots, cold showers shared during Vietnam War Commemoration Day event

Approximately 70 local Vietnam War veterans were honored during a commemoration event March 29 at KleinLife in Northeast Philadelphia.

April 4, 2019

Specialized training program helps new employees thrive in the Subsistence supply chain

As a former intern in the now, Defense Logistics Agency Pathways to Career Excellence program, these are feelings that Bill Blake knows very well. So he decided that he would do something to help ease the transition for those participants who came after him.