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News | Dec. 7, 2015

Richmond’s Bryant celebrates more than 46 years as a DLA employee

By Brianne M. Bender DLA Distribution Public Affairs

Ruben Bryant, a traffic management specialist at Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Richmond, Va., will be retiring after more than 46 years of service to the federal government and DLA on Jan. 3.

Having started working for DLA in 1967as a wage grade employee, Bryant’s 46 year career has afforded him the opportunity to experience the many sides of distribution. Working as a packer and forklift operator gave him the insight needed to eventually serve as a supervisory distribution facility specialist before finally settling in as a traffic management specialist.

His vast career has given him the opportunity to travel, as well as meet and become more familiar with people from different walks of life.

“Working for DLA has allowed me to have security, and a very interesting career while also supporting and raising my family,” explained Bryant.

Over the past four decades as a federal employee, Bryant has observed an increase in support to the warfighters, while there has been a downsizing in the workforce. He credits consistently coming to work and performing duties above an acceptable level to sustain a successful workforce.

“Take pride in your job. Give 110 percent at all times,” said Bryant. “Be committed to coming to work each and every day on time, and be ready to perform any duties as assigned.”

From April 1999 to Nov. 2001 Bryant was assigned to the first A-76 contract team. Having won the first contract bid, he considers this to be a highlight of his career with DLA Distribution.  A-76 is the Federal Government's policy directive concerning performance of commercial activities, and provides guidance and procedures for determining whether recurring commercial activities should be performed under contract with commercial sources or in-house using Government facilities and personnel.

Serving as DLA Distribution Richmond, Va’s., traffic management specialist since 2002, Bryant has formed very distinctive opinions about the DLA workforce. He wants people to understand they are a dedicated group, working to support to warfighters each and every day. “You could not find a better group of employees anywhere with the heart and dedication.”

“Ruben could have retired a long time ago, but he is enthusiastic about his job, loves interacting with people and the camaraderie of the team,” said DLA Distribution Richmond director, John Pearson. “As one of the most seasoned transportation officers, he seems to know all of the carriers, their representatives and the functional transportation experts which makes him a true gem for Richmond and DLA Distribution. His positive attitude and great sense of humor make him a joy to be around.”

With Bryant’s approaching retirement, he reminisces over his career with DLA Distribution, meeting and working with a diverse group of people. “The time I have spent working for DLA has been a blessing in more ways than I could ever explain. I will truly miss the DLA Distribution family.”