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DLA Energy News

News | April 9, 2019

Volunteers needed for 6-month deployments to Djibouti, Poland

By Beth Reece

The Defense Logistics Agency Mission Support Branch needs volunteers for six-month deployments with a DLA Support Team in Djibouti and a DLA Liaison Team in Poland. The teams were created to expand support previously provided by a single liaison officer in each country.

Initial teams and liaison officers are already on the ground in both countries, but additional liaison officers and volunteers with backgrounds in subsistence, distribution and disposition are needed. The teams do not deploy together as a group, so members are needed on a sporadic basis beginning in June, said Karen Dean, a logistics operations specialist for the Mission Support Branch.

Volunteers must have their supervisor’s approval, pass medical requirements, complete computer-based training and be validated for deployment at Fort Bliss, Texas. Uniforms and equipment are also issued at Fort Bliss, and employees are trained on the use of personal protective gear such as gas masks.

“However, our DST and DLT billets are unarmed positions,” Dean added.

DLA has longstanding DSTs in Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordon and Romania. The agency began creating the teams at the start of operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. For the first time, DLA began sending civilians to the battlefield in teams of subject matter experts from each major subordinate command. Modern technology and business practices allow specialists in food, fuel, building material and repair parts to work alongside uniformed customers, getting parts and supplies where they’re needed faster.

DSTs and DLTs improve warfighter support and also give employees a firsthand view of how DLA impacts readiness as they help troops overcome real-world logistics challenges, said Air Force Lt. Col. Neil Christensen, commander of the DST in Djibouti.

“I don’t believe any other DLA position in the world can match this experience or provide me with such an incredible opportunity to support the warfighter every single day,” he said, adding that DST assignments are also career enhancing and from a quality of life perspective.

“MWR [Morale, Welfare and Recreation] trips are available just about every weekend. Everything from 96-hour African safari excursions to overnight and weekend scuba diving adventures are available,” Christensen said.

Employees should contact the following force providers to volunteer or for more information on deployment processing at their local level.

DLA Headquarters
Air Force Lt. Col. Gregory Ogorek, 571-767-2245
Karen Dean, 571-767-3097

DLA Joint Reserve Force
Army Maj. Frank Washington, 571-767-7512
Army Lt. Col. Henry Andrews, 571-767-6191

DLA Distribution
Jennifer Cook, 717-770-5817
Deneen Diggs, 717-770-6885

DLA Disposition Services
Michelle Wooden, 269-961-5795
Christine Wagner, 269-961-5605

DLA Land and Maritime
Michael D. Eby, 614-692-1253
Kathy Rausch, 614-692-4731

DLA Aviation
George Johnson, 804-279-6774
Kevin Ryan, 804-279-6907

DLA Troop Support
Michael White, 215-737-2131

DLA Energy
Keisha High, 571-767-6123
Raymond Otto, 571-767-0480

DLA Europe & Africa
Army Maj. Tracy Yates
DSN, 324-206-9726

DLA Pacific
Andrew Drake, 808-477-0638

Gary Handley, 813-529-3418