DLA Official Forms

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Form Number: DLA1990
Form Title: Total Quality (TQ) Requirement Request
Form Version: Nov 2022 - Modified
Status: Active
Functional Area: Logistics Operations
Opr: J3
Safeguards: None
Electronic: Yes
Form Link: Documents/FormsSite/forms/DL1990.pdf
Type: Primary
Prescribed: eSOP 4140.05.050
Description: The purpose of this form is communicate technical and quality (TQ) information/requirements to DLA suppliers. The form facilitate this by coordinating this TQ information/requirements with DLA Major Subordinate Commands (MSC) POC/SMEs - prior to placing the TQ information/requirements on DLA solicitations/contracts for fulfillment by DLA suppliers.
Records Retention: 3110.37 Technical Data Files. Cutoff at end of CY. Destroy/delete 30 years after cutoff.
Form Audience: DLA