CPR Certification
Start Date/Time:
Thursday, October 24, 2019 8:30 AM
End Date/Time:
Thursday, October 24, 2019 11:30 AM
Recurring Event:
One time event
Normal Priority
Byus Community Center, Building 14

Current employees of DLA organizations and Installation Tenants currently covered by our medical services contract, who would like to become certified in ADULT ONLY CPR instruction and in the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), should register for a class by calling the Bldg. 21 Health Clinic, at 614 701-5104. This training DOES NOT INCLUDE first aid, or infant/child CPR, as there are no infants or children in the work areas. Contact your local American Heart Association or the American Red Cross for available first aid or infant/child CPR classes and fees.

CPR certification is valid for 2 years. Current certification is required for First Response Team members. Please check with your supervisor before scheduling. A limited number of spaces are available to contractors who support DSCC and tenant activities. Class spaces are limited. Those who schedule are expected to attend as a reserved space cannot be refilled at the last minute. Class location is in Bldg. 14, Community Center.

Register for a class by calling the Bldg. 21 Health Clinic at 614-701-5104. Please arrive early - late arrivals will not be admitted.

You only need to attend 1 class.

Dates and times:

Oct 24, 0830-1130

Nov 6, 0830-1130
Nov 19, 0830-1130

Dec 5, 0830-1130
Dec 18, 0830-1130


Contact:  Kara Mettille, DF-FCO, x614.692.3964, email: Kara.Mettille@dla.mil

Owned by Deleted User On Tuesday, October 23, 2018