Blood Drive
Start Date/Time:
Thursday, June 20, 2019 9:30 AM
End Date/Time:
Thursday, June 20, 2019 1:30 PM
Recurring Event:
One time event
Normal Priority
Blood Drive
Building 20, Buckeye Room

On June 20, in Building 20

Armed Services Blood Program Blood Drive

THURSDAY, June 20, 2019, 930-130

Bldg. 20, Buckeye and Cardinal Rooms

The Armed Services Blood Program provides blood and blood products to United States military services, benefiting active and retired service officers, and military families.  The ASBP blood collection is implemented by the U.S. Air Force, Wright Patterson AFB Donor Center.

You are eligible to donate if your previous donation was on or prior to April 25, 2019.

Blood collection quotas are dependent on supply and demand requirements.  At this time the Armed Services Blood Program staff are actively recruiting volunteer donors with blood types O+, O-, and a limited number of A+, A-, B-, and AB+/-.  ALL BLOOD TYPES WILL BE ACCEPTED, NO ONE WILL BE TURNED AWAY DUE TO BLOOD TYPE.  If you have donor eligibility questions call the ASBP donor center (937) 257-0580 for assistance.

Appointments for the Armed Services Blood Program are made on-line through Wright-Patterson Air Force Base at:  Sponsor code is “DSCC”. The appointment scheduler is taken down at 9pm the night before a scheduled drive.  Appointments can no longer be made after 9pm the previous nite.

The on-line appointment program will send out an immediate confirmation email and a reminder email the day before your appointment, and is now capable of sending email in the event of a cancellation. 

A blood drive will be cancelled if the DSCC or Wright Patterson Installations are under a weather delay, or in response to weather advisories.  The DSCC Installation information line is (614) 692-1800.  Check the Wright Patterson Installation snow line (937) 656-7669, or for delay information. 

If you have questions for ASBP call (937) 257-0580.

Eligibility to donate is based upon mission requirements, and supervisor approval.  Donors are eligible up to 4 hours of admin leave upon successful donation.  Remember to check with your supervisor prior to scheduling, and for the appropriate leave code.  Base contractors must check with supervisor.

The blood drive is open to all installation associates, military, retirees (civilian and military), tenants, and base contractors.  Closed to general public.

Appointments are preferred and given priority.  Walk-ins are accepted, but you may have to wait.

Owned by Deleted User On Monday, June 3, 2019