Prayer Meeting
Start Date/Time:
Tuesday, September 24, 2019 11:30 AM
End Date/Time:
Tuesday, September 24, 2019 12:00 PM
Recurring Event:
Recurring Event Every 1 week(s) on Tuesday until 5/12/2020 (total 53 events)
Normal Priority

PRAYER MEETING - You are invited to join Prayer Warriors for group prayer on Tuesdays from 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM in the Building 20 Meditation Room (A152N) and via conference call (301-909-7349, access code 35203296).  Callers can mute/unmute their line by dialing *6.  This group is hosted by the DLA Land and Maritime Chaplain Liaisons Program.  Associates must use their own time, therefore it is recommended you use your 30-minute lunch break to attend; feel free to bring your lunch with you.  For more information, email or  To be added to the Bible Class & Prayer Warriors group distribution list, email

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