Purpose: To provide guidance on the process for a Vendor to register a Super User account and update Point of Contact (POC) information in DLA Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS).
The Super User should be contacted to set up additional accounts, logins, and passwords for their CAGE.
- Instruct a Vendor on how to set up a Super User account
- Provide direction on how to insert FSCs, NSNs, and CAGEs that relate to a Vendor's business
- Provide step-by-step guidance on how to register a company CAGE in DIBBS
Revised: 8/27/2024
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What is DIBBS?
- Open DIBBS and Select Vendor Registration
- Enter Company CAGE Code
- Verify Physical Mailing Address
- Enter Super User Data
- Email Personal Identification Number (PIN) Verification
- Request and Enter Physical Address Verification Number
- Accept User Agreement
- Create Password
- Create Challenge Questions & Responses
- Complete Supplier Information
- Review and Submit Registration
DIBBS Contact Information
Resources and Terms Glossary
To view any sub-step in this process, select the expand all button or individually select each accordion to open/close.
What is DIBBS?
The DLA Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) is an application that allows a user to search, view, and respond to Requests For Quotations (RFQs), Request For Proposals (RFPs), Invitations For Bids (IFBs), and Awards.
Before DIBBS Registration
Before beginning the DIBBS Registration process ensure the following have been completed:
DIBBS utilizes the company name and business address from the Vendor's SAM.gov profile to complete the DIBBS registration. This information cannot be changed in DIBBS. However, updates occur daily from SAM.gov if a Vendor needs to make changes to locked information on their account in DIBBS.
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Begin the registration process by accessing the DIBBS website:
- Read and click OK to agree to the terms and conditions.
- Select the Vendor Registration link.
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Once the CAGE code has been obtained:
- Enter the company’s five-digit alpha-numeric CAGE code.
- Click Next.
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The company’s physical mailing address will populate on this screen.
- Review the company's physical mailing address that was entered on SAM.gov.
- Verify the physical mailing address is correct by selecting the check box.
- Click Next.
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The next step in the DIBBS registration process is for the Vendor to assign a representative as the Super User, or the individual who controls the account. The Vendor can designate themselves or another person to act as the Super User for the CAGE.
Please note that there can only be one Super User per CAGE code.
The Super User is the DIBBS account administrator and the only one who has the authority to make changes on the account. Updates to the Vendor profile (i.e., change email or phone number) or user(s) account profile (i.e., add/delete users) can be made under the My Account link.
- Enter the name of person designated as the Super User.
- Enter the primary contact phone number of the Super User in U.S. format. Example: (555) 555-1234
- Enter the email address of the Super User. Example: joe.doe@any.com
- Click Next.
The Super User may add additional users to the authorized user list by following the steps below:
- Log into DIBBS .
- Click on Account, and then click on Add Account.
- Enter the user's name, phone number, and email address.
- Click on the link to the DIBBS registration that the user will receive via email.
- Enter the temporary PIN that the user will receive in a second email.
- Follow the instructions to finish creating your account by providing a password.
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The Super User will receive a temporary Personal Identification Number (PIN) sent to the e-mail address entered in Step 4.
- Enter Personal Identification Number (PIN) sent to the Super User's e-mail address.
- Click Next.
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A postcard with a temporary Physical Address Verification Number (PAVN) will be mailed to your company address. The Vendor will receive the postcard in the mail in about 10 days. If the postcard is not received, the Vendor can request another one by repeating this step after 10 days have passed.
- Click the green Request Post Card button to mail a PAVN to the address listed on this screen.
- Click Next.
The next screen will confirm a postcard will be sent, but this is as far as a Vendor can go in the registration process until the PAVN is received in the mail.
When the postcard is received, the Vendor can click on step 5 of their DIBBS registration to return to the Physical Address Verification screen, enter the PAVN, and submit.
C. Enter the Physical Address Verification Number from the post card.
D. Click Next.
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Read and accept the User Agreement.
- Check the box to accept the terms of the agreement.
- Click Next.
For more information, see the newest DIBBS Subordinate Terms and Conditions updated July 2023 (Word).
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The Vendor will create a DoD compliant password.
- Must be at least 15 characters long.
- Must contain at least one character from each of the following four classes listed below:
- Upper Case Letters
- Lower Case Letters
- Numerals: 0123456789
- Non-alphanumeric (special characters) @ # $ % ^ & + . = !
- No more than four Upper- and Lower-Case letters in a row or four numbers in a row. (i.e. aBcD, 5678)
- Must differ from your last 10 passwords.
- Must differ from previous password by at least eight characters.
- Passwords are valid for 60 days.
- Create a new password and re-enter the password to confirm.
- Click Next.
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The Vendor will pick challenge questions and responses that follow the below guidelines:
- Answers are not case sensitive.
- For questions 1 & 2, the answers must have no numbers, special characters, or spaces.
- For question 3, select the month from the dropdown list and enter a year from 1700 - 2099.
- Select three questions and enter an answer for each question.
- Click Next.
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Complete supplier information in the Supplier Defaults and Notifications section:
- Alternate Dispute Resolution: Select the radio button to Agree or Disagree to use Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR).
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) means any type of procedure or combination of procedures voluntarily used to resolve issues in controversy.
The FAR 33.201
- Quote Valid For: Enter Quote Valid For days, default is 90.
- Discount Terms: Select discount terms option from the drop-down list.
- Default is None
- 1- Net 30
- 10- 2% 10 Days
- 3- 1/2% 20 Days
- 6- 1/2% 10 Days
- 8- 1/4% 20 Days
For Award and Solicitation Notifications: The primary and alternate email address cannot be the same. Only enter one primary and alternate POC, no more can be added. Notifications are only sent to the primary email address unless undeliverable. Then, notifications are sent to the alternate email address.
Contract Award, and Other Contract Actions (i.e. Modifications), will ONLY be sent via email to the Primary POC, so verify the email address is always current.
- Award Notification:
- Enter the Primary E-Mail Address for award notification.
- Enter the Alternate E-Mail Address for award notification.
- Disable Unsuccessful Offeror Notification: Select the checkbox only if a Vendor does not want to be notified of an unsuccessful offeror.
- Solicitation Notification:
- Enter the Primary E-Mail Address for notification.
- Enter the Alternate E-Mail Address for notification.
- Vendor Directed Solicitation Notification: This feature allows the Super User to direct email notification of new solicitations that match selections Federal Supply Classes (FSCs), National Stock Numbers (NSNs), and/or Approved Manufacturer CAGE Codes in their profile.
- Enter up to 3000 values per category (FSCs, NSNs, and/or CAGEs) separated by commas.
- Federal Supply Classes (FSCs) - When a FSC is added, a Vendor will get every open solicitation relating to that FSC in their inbox (e-mail inbox may be overloaded). To search for a specific FSC, visit DLA H2 FSC Search.
- National Stock Numbers (NSNs) - Specific supply item the Vendor will provide to the Government. Do not enter a NSN that is included in an Federal Supply Class (FSC) that is already added to the FSC input field. For more information on NSNs and FSCs, see National Stock Numbers.
- Approved Manufacturer CAGE Codes - Distributors may use this section to add CAGE codes of Approved Manufactures or other Sources they represent or supply items from
- Decline Non-Vendor Solicitation Notification: Check the box if a Vendor would like to opt out of receiving e-mail notifications of new RFQs, RFPs, & IFB based on NSN history, NSN approved sources, or buyer directed CAGEs.
- Decline Quote Reminder Email Notifications: Select one of the e-mail notification options to turn off or reduce the number of quote reminders.
- Click Next.
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Upon registration completion, the DIBBS Super User ID will appear on the screen. This is always the Vendor's CAGE Code followed by 01, and the Super User can create and assign accounts 02 - 99.
The Vendor can use this User ID and the password just created to log into the DIBBS restricted area.
A review screen will appear with the answers that were input in the DIBBS registration. If everything on this screen is correct, click Submit. If any errors are found, click Prev to go back and make changes.
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DIBBS Contact Information
Log on issues email: DibbsBSM@dla.mil
DIBBS Help Desk: DIBBS Feedback form
DLA Product Data Customer Service Help Line: 1-804-279-3477
Terms Glossary
Term Used |
Meaning/Definition |
Alternate Dispute Resolution |
Commercial and Government Entity |
DLA Internet Bid Board System |
Defense Logistics Agency |
Federal Supply Class |
Federal Service Desk |
Invitation for Bid |
National Stock Number |
Physical Address Verification Number |
Personal Identification Number |
Request for Proposal |
Request for Quotation |
System for Award Management |