
Vendor FAQs

As general questions from Vendors come through Post Award Requests and other avenues the FAQ section will continually grow. FAQs can be searched with keywords or see some the of the quick search options by category.

To see all, view the Vendor FAQs Document (PDF).

Last updated: July 10, 2024

Enter Search Value:
- without any prefix or suffix to find all records where a column contains the value you enter, e.g. Net
- with | prefix to find all records where a column starts with the value you enter, e.g. |Network
- with | suffix to find all records where a column ends with the value you enter, e.g. Network|
- with | prefix and suffix to find all records containing the value you enter exactly, e.g. |Network|


What is the difference between Request for Quotes (RFQs) and Request for Proposals (RFPs)?

The main difference is estimated dollar value. Request For Quotes (RFQs) are for solicitations less than the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (SAT),  and Request for Proposals (RFPs) are for solicitations over SAT. 

In addition, RFQs are offers to procure an item that will result in a purchase order and RFPs will result in a contract. 

Category: Solicitations