CAC or User I.D./Password Required
iGIRDER Information
Are you interested in reviewing or updating your reference number data in the Federal Catalog System (FCS)?
- The reference number consists of a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code and Part Number.
- The Interactive Government/Industry Reference Data Edit and Review (iGIRDER) program was introduced to allow authorized individuals the ability to review and submit corrections for reference numbers using a web-based application that serves as both a maintenance tool and information source for U.S. manufacturers, vendors, and suppliers on U.S. CAGE codes only.
- Non-U.S. CAGE Code users should obtain a subscription to the NATO Master Catalogue of References for Logistics (NMCRL) which will allow the company to request actions as a “Private User” on reference numbers bearing their company’s NCAGE code. More information on NMCRL, its capabilities and obtaining a subscription can be found on the NMCRL page.
Important: All new users of iGIRDER are required to register for Production Role access in the Account Management and Provisioning System (AMPS).
Upon AMPS role approval visit the iGIRDER log in page. (Common Access Card (CAC) or a user I.D. and password required)
In an effort to support our Warfighters, the GIRDER program was established in 1979 to maintain accurate data in the Federal Catalog System (FCS) in support of Department of Defense (DoD) and Civil Agency supply chain requirements. The GIRDER program allows U.S. manufacturers, vendors, and suppliers the capability to request a listing of their reference numbers (Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code + part number) recorded on National Stock Numbers as well as request updates to those reference numbers. Interactive GIRDER (iGIRDER) is the web application that provides that access to approved U.S. companies.
Interactive Government/Industry Reference Data Edit and Review (iGIRDER) is an Internet tool established in 2001 as a web based interactive application that serves as both a maintenance tool and information source for U.S. manufacturers, vendors, and suppliers. It provides online capability to review their part numbers and propose changes to obsolete, incomplete, or inaccurate information between the Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code, manufacturer part number, and the National Stock Number (NSN). The iGIRDER application serves as a real time link between Department of Defense (DoD) and private industry resulting in an uninterrupted flow of items required to support DoD logistics requirements worldwide.
iGIRDER access is obtained via the
DLA Account Management and Provisioning System (AMPS). All new users of iGIRDER are required to register for Production Role access in the Account Management and Provisioning System (AMPS).
The following criteria must be met to obtain approval to iGIRDER:
1. Requestor must work for either U.S. Manufacturer, Vendor, and/or Supplier.
2. Requestors U.S. CAGE must have at least 1 NSN assigned to its U.S. CAGE code.
3. Requestor must provide an Authorization Letter at time of initial iGIRDER registration.
- The Authorization Letter should be on company letterhead and should state that you are “approved to make changes to reference number data” for your U.S. Commercial and Government Entity (U.S. CAGE) code(s).
- The letter must be signed by the CEO or someone with sufficient legal authority to authorize you to make changes to your U.S. CAGE code information and/or part numbers. IGIRDER access will NOT be granted without this letter.
- The following terminology can be used to meet the requirements: “The undersigned acknowledges that the iGIRDER system is used to review and request reference number changes listed on National Stock Numbers (NSNs) and any changes submitted could affect the procurement of those items of supply.”
- A CAGE can only use iGIRDER for a single CAGE code request, so we recommend you list all the U.S. CAGE codes you are approved to make reference number changes for on this Authorization Letter.
AMPS is an account management and provisioning system that collects data about your identity, job, and location, and sets up your access to the computer application resources you need to complete your job tasks. An AMPS account is required to obtain iGIRDER access for external users (i.e., vendors) to obtain the specific role required to access the application.
See the AMPS information page for more information as well as useful PDFs to assist with registration for an AMPS account, requesting an iGIRDER role or AMPS troubleshooting.
If you’ve already contacted your local customer support with no resolution to your issue, you may contact the DISA Global Service Desk for system access, password resets, AMPS assistance or other technical issues.
Toll Free: 1-844-DISA-HLP
1-844-347-2457) *Press 5, then speak or enter D-L-A
Email for non-urgent general IT issues:
No, for security reasons there can only be one authenticated and authorized user per U.S. Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code for iGIRDER access (registration).
You may, however, include each of the U.S. CAGE codes within an Authorization Letter granting an individual the authority to view/update all the associated reference numbers to each of the U.S. CAGE codes.
- The user will be able to use the iGIRDER application to review part numbers listed on NSNs, request an extract of that listing or request update changes for the single registered U.S. CAGE code only.
- Any other U.S. CAGE codes reference number listing or update requests can be requested via an email to the mailbox, but only if the U.S. CAGE code is listed on the Authorization Letter used to registered for iGIRDER application access.
iGIRDER requires monthly logins to retain access. The DLA Account Management and Provisioning System (AMPS) also does an annual revalidation that once submitted and approved will extend the iGIRDER application access another year, as long as the user logs into the application every 30 days. If your accesses have lapsed in either, you will need to reregister to regain access.
Once a user has successfully registered for the iGIRDER application via the DLA Account Management and Provisioning System (AMPS) an iGIRDER team member will send out direction on how to use the iGIRDER application.
Yes, request a Government/Industry Reference Data Edit and Review (GIRDER) extract file be sent to you through the Interactive Government/Industry Reference Data Edit and Review (iGIRDER) application. This will typically be sent to you as an electronic spreadsheet, but if a hard copy should be mailed to you instead please submit a follow on email to requesting a paper copy be mailed to you; be sure to include the mailing address in the email request.
NOTE: iGIRDER extracts will ONLY contain your active items of supply. Active items of supply are identified with Reference Number Variation Codes (RNVC) of 2 or 3. Additionally, the extract will include both U.S. and non-U.S. National Stock Numbers (NSN), but only U.S. NSNs are allowed to be updated via the iGIRDER.
No, iGIRDER can only by used by U.S. CAGE codes. For non-U.S. CAGE codes users should obtain a subscription to the NATO Master Catalogue of References for Logistics (NMCRL) which will allow the company to request actions as a “Private User” on reference numbers bearing their company’s NCAGE code. More information on NCMRL, it’s capabilities and obtaining a subscription can be found on the
NCMRL page.
No, iGIRDER can only be used to request updates to U.S. NSNs. If your update pertains to a Non-U.S. NATO Stock Number, you can either:
- Obtain a subscription to the NATO Master Catalogue of References for Logistics (NMCRL) which will allow the company to request actions as a “Private User” on reference numbers bearing their company’s NCAGE code. More information on NCMRL, it’s capabilities and obtaining a subscription can be found on the NCMRL page.
- Coordinate with your company’s U.S. Government customer/s to submit the required maintenance request/s to Logistics Information Operations. The request for maintenance on the foreign NSN/s will be coordinated according to international codification policy. Please note that official supporting documentation will be required to process the request. Confirmation of the requested action on company letterhead is the most common form of supporting documentation.
GIRDER codes are the 1-character, 2-character, or 4-character codes used to describe the action being requested by the manufacturer, vendor, or supplier on their reference number (CAGE + Part Number).
1-character codes
- GIRDER codes K and M indicate a reference number is no longer available or was never available for purchase.
2-character codes
- GIRDER codes beginning with a J pertain to a change in the CAGE code only, with the numbers 1, 2, or 3 after to identify the specific reason for the CAGE code change. Valid J Codes are: J1, J2, J3.
- GIRDER codes beginning with a L pertain to a change in the part number only, with the numbers 1, 2, or 3 after to identify the specific reason for the part number change. Valid L Codes are: L1, L2, L3.
4-character codes
- If a change to the CAGE code and part number are required, the following are the only permissible combinations of two GIRDER codes: J1L1, J1L2, J1L3 and J2L1
Code Definition |
J1 |
CAGE code is in error (provide new CAGE code or company name and address. |
J2 |
Production item or items were sold to a different corporation (provide new CAGE code or company name). |
J3 |
Entire Company was sold to a different corporation (provide new CAGE code or company name). |
K |
Part number is not recognized by this Manufacturer or was never sold to anyone. |
L1 |
Part number is in error. Use the L1 only if the part number is formatted incorrectly, or has changed formatting, or the part number has been modified, but still represents and exact duplicate of original design control item or production. |
L2 |
Part number has changed. Provide the new part number which represents a change from the original design control, however it is fully interchangeable with the original design meets (Fit, Form and Function plus Application). |
L3 |
Part number has been replaced. It no longer represents the original design or production item. New item cannot be substituted for old item, nor can the old item be substituted for new item. |
M |
Obsolete part number. Production of this item has been discontinued. Note: When using this ensure all stock/assets have been depleted. Do not use this code if it represents a design control drawing and can still be manufactured even if your company no longer manufactures the item. |
N |
Other (please provide explanation in the RNNOTES/Comments |
Note: Permissible combination of two GIRDER codes are: J1L1, J1L2, J1L3, and J2L1
There are two ways to accomplish this:
- The preferred and easiest option is for the losing company’s CAGE code to request an extract file of their current listing of reference numbers, fill it out with the appropriate Government/Industry Reference Data Edit and Review (GIRDER) codes and then send it back to the GIRDER office for input. NOTE: The losing company’s CAGE code POC may be required to submit an Authorization Letter, if not already on file with the GIRDER office, that must be signed by the CEO or someone with sufficient legal authority authorizing the individual to make reference number updates.
- The gaining company's CAGE code may also request the extract file; however, a Novation Agreement must be supplied to the GIRDER office. The document should contain a POC for the losing company’s CAGE code as that person will be contacted to verify the requests. It is also preferred to have a listing of the impacted part numbers be supplied with the document. The gaining company’s POC will also be required to submit an Authorization Letter, if not already on file with the GIRDER office, that must be signed by the CEO or someone with sufficient legal authority authorizing the individual to make reference number updates.
All submitted update requests are reviewed for accuracy and pending no errors, are submitted for NSN updating around the 15th of each month; however, not all submittals result in an automatic NSN update. For example, if items are related to a weapon system they will require review, prior to NSN updating, by engineering and Inventory Control Points (ICP) and/or Primary Inventory Control Activity (PICA). The status of the update requests can be reviewed in the
Quality Database (QDB) public link by searching your Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code and/or Part Number.
The iGIRDER team will send out an email once your requests have been submitted and uploaded into the Quality Database (QDB). QDB public can be used to search for your requests and to find out the status of those requests. The QDB public link is provided under the “QDB System Access” heading at the
DLA QDB information home page.
What would you call this item?
A washer? A spacer? A shim?
If you’re unsure, then you understand how important it is to establish a common name and description for a single item. A variety of manufacturers' item names for identical parts created inconsistencies in the various logistics management systems, making it difficult to control inventories. A common language of supply was needed to manage the growing complexity of modern logistics. This common language of supply is used to evaluate every item of supply to ensure a proper item name is assigned at the time of NSN assignment.
If you feel the item name absolutely does not identify your product, please reach out to the DLA Customer Interaction Center (CIC) to request a review of the current item name. Be prepared to provide sufficient technical data to support your request.
Toll Free: 1-877-DLA-CALL (1-877-352-2255)
Web site:
Yes, by using the
Public Logistics Data (PUB LOG). PUB LOG delivers publicly releasable logistics information for entities requiring NSN information and other cataloging information including Federal Supply Classification (FSC) data and CAGE codes. It is an interactive product available for free download that is updated monthly.
The FedMall Customer and Supplier Information page is a useful resource on providing direction on becoming a commercial supplier to
Manufacturers, vendors, and suppliers do
not have the authority to request an NSN. This is usually accomplished once a requirement/need for that manufactures, vendors, or suppliers’ item(s) have been identified by a Military Service, NATO country, Federal/Civil Agency, or various Contractor Support Weapons Systems (CSWS) managed by a contractor. Requests are then forwarded through the appropriate supply chain for cataloging and then forwarded to Logistics Information Services for NSN assignment.
Assistance and Contact Information
Logistics Information Services
74 Washington Avenue N. Battle Creek, MI 49037-3084
Registration questions, E-mail:
DLA Customer Interaction Center (DLA CIC)
We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including Government holidays.
‘One Call Resolution’
Toll Free: 1-877-DLA-CALL
Defense Switched Network (DSN): xx-877-352-2255
Email: dlacontactcenter@dla.mi