DLA Official Forms

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Form Information

Category Details
Form Number: DLA7011
Form Title: DLA Installation Support Columbus (DS-FC) Request for Facility Use
Form Version: AUG 2023
Status: Active
Functional Area: Installation Management
Opr: DM
Safeguards: none
Electronic: Yes
Form Link: Documents/FormsSite/forms/DL7011.pdf
Type: Primary
Prescribed: DLAI 4000.19
Description: There is no current GSA, DoD or DLA form for this use case. The DL Form 7011 ensures that all users have a current Support Agreement in accordance with the DLAI 4000.19 and describes the financial liability to the Requesting Agency. When signed, the requester agrees to comply with regulations, policies, and procedures; be solely responsible for damages, pay for repairs due to accident or negligence. It also inform the requester that all visitors will be screened by security and are subject to search, seizure, and detainment.
Records Retention: 5300.12 Office Administrative Records and Routine Correspondence. Temporary. Cutoff at end of CY. Destroy when 2 years, or when no longer needed, whichever is sooner.
Form Audience: