DLA Official Forms

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Form Information

Category Details
Form Number: DLA2551
Form Title: Stock Transfer Order (STO) Shipment Master Inventory List (Manifest)
Form Version: Feb 2023 (w/Attachments)
Status: Active
Functional Area: Disposition Services
Opr: Inventory Branch
Safeguards: None
Electronic: Yes
Form Link: Documents/FormsSite/forms/DL2551.pdf
Type: Primary
Prescribed: Disp Svcs SOP 4160.01-028
Description: There is no current GSA, DoD, or DLA form for this use case. DLA Form 2551 Stock Transfer Order (STO) Shipment Master Inventory List (Manifest) will be the official form used for consolidating "Shipping Unit Inventory Lists" (DLA Form 2544) picked, packed, and built specifically for each truck/conveyance load. It will serve as the final accountable property manifest for the sending site to list all inventory on a truck load while using bar-coding and .xml capabilities to input and validate all of the property that is on a specific property type conveyance/truck load. This form will be placed inside of the last container or item on the truck load as well as e-mailed to the receiving site when the property departs the shipping site. To be used as an accountable tool for the senders and receivers of this accountable property to ensure all property on the list is accounted for and not either missing or misdirected.
Records Retention: 4500.01 - Transportation Documents and Packaging Records - Temporary. Cutoff at end of Event. Destroy 10 years after final payment or Final invoice/IPAC. **NOTE: Retention extension aligns with the DoD FMR 7000.14 and is authorized by NARA GRS 1.1, Item 010. GRS 1.1, Item 010 (DAA-GRS-2013-0003-0001)
Form Audience: