
DLA Land and Maritime News

Archive: December, 2016

Dec. 9, 2016

New Year’s resolutions and how DLA can help you achieve your goals

Ringing in the new year often results in a time of reflection, reviewing the current situation and planning for the future. DLA takes the opportunity to look back at the year and make goals for the year ahead. As individuals, we use this time to do the same. Many of us will set personal resolutions. At DLA Land and Maritime, we understand the importance of work/life balance and would like to assist in your journey to keep your resolutions with some tips and resources made available to you as a member of our workforce.

Dec. 7, 2016

Joint Reserve Force reaffirms commitment to DLA at annual summit

DLA Land and Maritime’s Joint Reserve Team hosted their annual summit for members of the Army, Navy,

Dec. 5, 2016

DSCC program honors legacy of American Indians

Defense Supply Center Columbus hosted an event to celebrate the heritage and legacy of American Indians in Ohio and throughout the nation. The Nov. 30 presentation inside the installation Operations Center auditorium brought together members of the Defense Federal Community to learn history, sample traditional food items, and listen to cultural ambassadors from the Native American community.