What do you do?
I manage the Reutilization, Transfer, and Donation (RTD) program for DLA Disposition Services Pearl Harbor.
How long have you worked for the federal government, including military service?
15 years. I served eight years active duty in the Air Force prior to becoming a federal civilian employee.
How long have you worked for DLA Disposition Services?
I started in January 2020.
What do you like about DLA Disposition Services?
The amazing people we have at DLA Disposition Services, Pearl Harbor. The camaraderie our team has makes coming to work fun every day!
What part of the job gives the most satisfaction?
Knowing that at any given moment we are helping the local community (SASP), LESO, CFL, providing humanitarian relief, COVID relief, and assisting the Department of Defense in operations both here in Hawaii and around the world.
Advice you received worth passing on?
Learn! Don’t just settle for the position you are in today. When you find downtime, learn someone else’s job.
Your noteworthy contributions this past year?
Humanitarian relief efforts and COVID support.
What was your first job?
Working in my dad’s butcher shop.
Biggest influence?
My family. They push me to succeed and be the best person possible. They support me when I succeed and pick me up even higher when I fail. With my family’s support and love, anything is possible!
Any recent book favorites?
Why read when you can watch the movie? My favorite book is The Notebook.
Interests or passions outside work?
Spending time with family. However, if anyone truly knows me, my true passion is eating – what can I say, I love food!
Any favorite quotes?
This is a hard question; I have lots of favorites.
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Any heroes?
My parents, they were refugees from the Vietnam War. They gave up everything to give my family a better life!
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
Boss around DLA Disposition Services Pacific Director Mr. Faron Cordrey.